Discussion for article #238614
"So we are at sea,
Ya think, Sammy?
So ending gender discrimination in marriage law, just like ending racial discrimination in marriage law in 1967, will lead to the end of the min. wage or the installation of a right to an annual income?
The man is untethered to planet earth. That he sits on the SCOTUS bench is astounding.
Alito speculated that future justices could grant constitutional rights on the basis of their ideological whims, and practically, the nomination of judges will become more like a political election.
You mean kind of like it is now??
GAY Marry HAs eLIminateD the MINIMUm waGE. GOod for BUSIness. BAd FOR LIBtards. HAHAHA.
I guess this shows Alito’s possible sympathy for a return to Lochner-era substantive due process jurisprudence. There’s some indication that that’s where mainstream conservative thought is headed.
Sammy isn’t smart enough to be a SCOTUS justice.
This interview proves it conclusively.
How does someone this fucking stupid graduate from law school in the US?
You’d think a Supreme Court Justice would avoid public displays of sour grapes. Not so anymore. This country cannot go much further with this. SCOTUS can rule Bush into the Presidency and that’s OK…but it cannot affirm the 14th Amendment…that is if the folks being given equal protection are folks it doesn’t like. As for his quip about the Court being headed to politicization…what an asshole. Its been that way for a long time.
Taking things away from people is not giving them freedom.
And the strong tradition of campaign finance laws - destroyed by this supreme court with Citizens United.
And the strong tradition of voting rights laws - destroyed by this Supreme Court.
And the strong tradition of class action law suits against big corporations - destroyed by this Supreme Court.
And the strong tradition of separation of church and state - destroyed by this Supreme Court.
And the strong tradition of affirmative action - destroyed by this Supreme Court.
So . . . . . . is this just advertisement for the next step you intend to take?
Perhaps they can add a P.S. to the decision, ala Bush v Gore. This is not to be used as president.
Also, I’m a big fan of the result in Obergefell, but Alito’s right that the legal reasoning is awful.
I’ve always thought that this fellow looked like he had a major screw loose. This seems to prove it.
I’ve never seen him looking anywhere but up–his eyes looking to his God, maybe?
Meanwhile, Mrs. Alito sobs as hubby’s ignorance is revealed.
Smart doesn’t matter anymore. It hasn’t been a qualification for SCOTUS in a long time. He’s partisan enough and willing to rule with that partisanship driving the rulings. That’s why Bush put him there.
The fact that Alito did an interview with Bill “Wrong” Kristol is pretty much all you need to know.
Nonsense. 14th amendment protections ending gender discrimination is surely within the 14th’s equal protection clause and by myriad precedence, most notably Loving v. Virginia.
The only knock I have on the ruling is it didn’t clarify what level of scrutiny non-hetersexual people as a protected class fell under.
I guess it also means that judges can end the tax-free status of American churches, Bible colleges, and religious charter schools.
The problem is that Obergefell’s reasoning isn’t precisely along those lines. There’s a strong equal protection argument for gay marriage, but Kennedy didn’t take that route. I wish he would have done so.
I agree with you that the failure to articulate a standard of review is unfortunate, and is arguably the most puzzling aspect of the decision.
The butthurt … it’s deeeelicious!