Well, Alex, if Assange is the butt plug, that would make you the Gaping Sphincter.
Alex Jones is always leaking. That’s why he wears Depends.
I can honestly say that this is the first time I’ve ever seen “Butt-Plug” used in a TPM headline.
The Assange Butt Plug will come in a matched set with this one
Awww, little Alex got played? ASSange made you his bitch, Jones!
He said “a” butt-plug, not “his” butt-plug.
I’m just surprised people like Alex Jones put their all their eggs in a deplorables basket, hoping this would doom Hillary’s campaign. Really shows how desperate they are.
I’m guessing the “…amazing revelation” that Alex Jones has is a video of Hillary making an Illuminati hand gesture, or video of her eyes looking reptilian.
Seriously, if rageaholic’ Jones had anything, he couldn’t keep it for 5 seconds, much less for days.
what the hell is wrong with that guy?
Not enough bandwidth for the list
Which one? Alex Jones, Assange, Trump? All of the above?
I can see this thread going down hill insanely fast.
***“Assange”.***…Sounds like a procedure for which you pay someone to scratch your butt, sorta’ like Hannity does for Trump after he’s kissed it and scratched behind Trump’s ears.
I meant Jones, who I think belongs in an asylum, but really take your pick.
If Mr. Wikileaks et al want to keep pretending they’re non-partisan and have no dog in the fight of the US election they might want to use the correct “Democratic party” rather than the Luntzian “Democrat party”…masters of deception they are not.
Considering you have Alex Jones, Assange and Butt Plug in the same headline, did you expect anything less?
Assange trolled the world by saying he was going to drop an earth shattering bombshell, and then, when everyone tuned in, he gave a sales pitch for his company…and so it’s no wonder he favors Trump. A chip off the ol’ orange turd.
Just out of pure intellectual curiosity, I googled “Julian Assange Porn Star.”
I won’t list the results.