Discussion for article #235070
Well, then, stop pushing legislation denying climate change! It’s as simple as that! If you don’t like people saying something true about you- don’t do it!
Any given liberal group, Common Cause in this case, lives in the reality-based world. ALEC on the other hand only wishes things were the way they describe them and funds those efforts proving if you shine a light in a dark space, rats come scurrying out…
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Well said.
They aren’t denying climate change as much as looking on climate change as an economic opportunity. Imagine an ice free artic all year long? Think of the trade possibilities. What about al the new ocean front property along the Florida/Georgia border? The great thing is with all the coastal flooding a lot of very blue cities like New York, and Boston will be under water? ALEC looks on the bright side of life.
"We’re not climate change deniers. We acknowledge that the climate is changing, e.g. not a static phenomena. However, we don’t believe anyone can say precisely why the climate is changing, the season, the tilt of the Earth on its axis, animal farts. We’ve even created solid evidence that climate change can be a good thing.
Nope, no denial here!"
Well, then, just call them Pollution Promoters. Every danged environmental bill or legislation they fight aims to curb pollution – that is their record.
Ahhhhhhhh… Pigs on the Wing, and Dogs. Funny how 40+ years hasn’t changed anything.
Those climate deniers sure have thin skin. I wonder if that’s because of all the pollutants they encountered as children.
Nah, doing anything about climate change cuts into their profits.
Simple solution.
Stop whining and you won’t be accused of whining.
Same applies with denying climate change
National Journal, however, noted that model legislation from ALEC argued about the positive benefits of climate change.
Sure, if we keep on polluting the earth’s atmosphere with CO2, CH4 and other greenhouse gases, it could lead to a runaway greenhouse effect. The earth could reach the temperature of Venus [874 deg. F.] . We could save on heating oil and we could refine lead in situ without having to build expensive smelters. Good on us!
liberal advocacy group Common Cause
Common Cause is an organization that advocates for ethics in government, and I joined it decades ago when it was pushing to get money out of politics – and, alas, we see how well that turned out. I think it only looks liberal, rather than bipartisan, because the overwhelming proportion of malfeasance resides among the conservatives these days.
“ALEC will continue to monitor the issue…”
In much the same way as the design engineer of the Titanic monitored the water level in the holds of the ship as it sank.
This is how you know they’re starting to get scared and feeling like they’re really losing the argument. Cease and desist letters are the “nuh uh, STFU” of the professionalized playground.
Winter is coming.
Climate revision?
Climate adaptation?
Climate adjustment?