Discussion: Alaska Becomes Third State With Legal Marijuana, Bans Smoking In Public

Discussion for article #233599

< TOKE! >

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Edward Nick, council member in Manokotak was quoted as saying “When they start depending on smoking marijuana, I don’t know how far they’d go to get the funds they need to support it, to support themselves,…”

Clearly the man does not know what he is talking about. He is basically equating pot smoking with crack smoking or heroin use. He has bought the DEA’s bullshit. I have been a pot smoker for 50 years. And when I run out, I run out. I go without until one day I feel like getting high again and then I call a friend and score a little bit more. I have worked in countries for one to three years where the penalties were so cruel and off the charts I didn’t even consider scoring any grass. Yes, pot is nice. But it does not create a craving for more. How do you educate someone like Nick. The information is obviously easily available. Why doesn’t he inform himself?


Alaska’s establishment fears legal marijuana’s negative impact on the state’s methamphetamine economy…

It wasn’t until the legalization bill here in Oregon passed that I realized there were still many, many people out there who believe this kind of stuff. It’s going to be a while before that changes, I’m afraid.

Oh, I like the public ban. I hate the smell of marijuana. Full disclosure: I also hate the smell of most tobacco products.

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Good. I live in Seattle, and while I applaud the legalization of marijuana here, I don’t think it should be acceptable to smoke it or anything in public. The other day we were shopping downtown and the air was actually thick with the smell. I don’t have any moral objection to its use in a private responsible way – but I don’t want to breath in someone’s exhale. It gives me an asthma attack. If people are flagrant about it and do not give a sh-t about the health of those around them, then they invite smoking bans.

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Ban public smoking of clove cigarettes and cheap cigars while you’re at it. Those smell nasty.


also as someone who is in my 50’s ish Ive had to quit from time to time for job related reasons and just put it down and didnt feel the need or want of it for quite a long time…no fuss no muss no craveing no withdrawls…not like my battle with cigs now that was rough and still fighting

That sounds like a good compromise and a responsible decision. Well done Alaska.