Discussion for article #246678
When you train white cops to see themselves as a occupying force holding back a lethal tide of murderous insurgency and that nothing is more important than coming home alive and that only instantaneous “compliance” can achieve that, the Cheney One Percent Doctrine governs the use of lethal force. And likewise informs the investigation of its use.
Black = suspicious until dead.
“If nothing else, perhaps this will change the way law enforcement responds,” Means said.
Nope. Sorry to have to break this to you but the only that will happen is that the family will get some kind of settlement money to go away. Even if every Black person in this country were gunned down by LEO’s, it still wouldn’t be a “teachable moment.”
That moment is LONG past by now.
How is it possible that there hasn’t been a concerted, nation-wide effort to fundamentally change the way law enforcement operates? It will likely take a generation of officers, better trained, and better prepared for their task before we see real change. How much longer can we wait to start working on a problem that will take 20 or 30 years of concerted effort to see results?
I will laugh when I hear that this police headquarters has been blown to kingdom come. I will not be surprised.
Perhaps having white officers patrolling black neighborhoods alone is a bad idea. How many blacks are now officers of the Montgomery PD? If not enough, perhaps recruit many more.
That is the problem in the whole approach. My calls for disarmament also include the police.
How is this much different than a lynching or a terrorist KKK action?
“At a Monday news conference, Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange said he couldn’t specify why Smith deemed Gunn suspicious…”
Oh please, you nitwit. Here, let me help you: "Because black."
There, was that so goddamned difficult?
It isn’t going to happen until 90%+ of Americans want it to happen. If we were at that point Trump would have been laughed off the stage last summer, instead of being the leading GOP candidate for the presidency. Racism is still alive, and even seems to be growing.
It isn’t different, except that the cops rarely ever get charged with their crimes. The big “silent majority” of us has no problem with these events, so why would they stop?
Attention Justice Roberts: Is America really in a “post-racial” era? Yeah, right!
No, no !! Haven’t you heard? Police protection costs money! Taxpayers’ money !! The Republiclans will resist this at all costs. We can never have more taxes, only less. And if we have to lay off a few more officers, ratcheting up the tension and stress on those left, well bullets are fairly cheap.*
*snark readers, snark.
I suppose the one encouraging thing is that the Alabama State Bureau of Investigations will be looking into this …
why am I hearing the Final Jeopardy theme music on infinite loop?
This is why we need apps like this: ``www.joshbegley.com/archives/
Notifies you whenever the police kill someone