Who in their right mind would want to scr*w this old prune Alabama Governor Robert Bentley. This is SICK.
”Heather Hannah blew the lid off the affair by secretly recording video of the governor telling Mason he liked to come up behind her and fondle her…”
From the Luv Guv’s Wikipedia bio:
”He was an active member of First Baptist Church Tuscaloosa where he served as a deacon and a Sunday School teacher. At FBC Tuscaloosa, he has been the chairman of the board of deacons four times, and a member of the Youth for Christ advisory board, as well as the Family Counseling advisory board.”
Groping for Jesus™.
(BTW, I understand that, after his wife left him, he came very close to marrying a mail-order bride, but after spending just a few hours with him, she fled back to the civil war in Syria.)
This scandal is even funnier because Bentley looks exactly like the kind of guy you’d typecast in a movie for the role of evil stick-up-his-butt money-grubbing preacher. Only, y’know, in real life he’s an evil stick-up-his-butt money-grubbing sexually-harassing governor with a sex scandal.
All he needs now is a dildo & two rubber diving suits. And by the way, did anyone ever figure out what the second rubber diving suit was for? Oddly enough, that reverend was from Alabama too.
I don’t mean to draw gross generalizations, but seriously Alabamians, what the fuck are y’all doin’ down there?
Edited to Add:
Bentley’s a deacon too?
Nailed it!
The Love Guv should talk to the Big Dog about how well the “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” works to avoid an impeachment proceeding.
Man, don’t get me started. If there was someone dumber and more crooked we could elect, Bentley would be out of luck and whoever the new guy was would totally be in the governor’s mansion tonight.
Well…just imagine …
Bentley coming at ya with a 3 hour viagra boner … ( shudders ) –
The legislators seem mostly pissed off that he got to use state vehicles and offices for his trysts, while they have to use their own cars and rent motel rooms.
sounds a bit tame compared to the bar for presidents set by the puppet.
Aw HELL naw
The Love Gov seems mighty creepy. Maybe it’s that repressed conservative religious background that is eating him up inside. Even worse than Anthony Wiener who was just tweeting pics of his junk with other women.
Oh,and did anyone mention that Bentley is a republican?
Ewww, he’s gross. Who would fuck him?
Can a fine, upstanding Baptist be the Pope of Grope. It’s not the groping, its the Papist tone that makes Alabamans uneasy. Impeach the Mackerel Snapper!!!
Every time I think this is just a local blog it’s contents come front and center in the nations news. Alabama is the primordial soup from which Republican trash rise to whore on a national stage (see Perjurer General).
To be fair most of his romantic conquests only realize he’s there when he sneaks up on them in the barn. If sheep could testify, he’d be in jail now.
Sounds like he’d fit right in with Trump, Bannon, Pence, and the rest of the boys.
Love the octopuses ! So cuddly!
[quote=“irasdad, post:3, topic:54127”]
BTW, I understand that, after his wife left him, he came very close to marrying a mail-order bride, but after spending just a few hours with him, she fled back to the civil war in Syria.
[/quote](emphasis added)
That is really cold, Ira.
I’m proud of you, man. I wish I’d thought of it!