Alabama attorneys general had reached conflicting opinions on how the funds can be spent, could be challenged by lawsuits
These should be fun…
Methinks Ivey just discovered this could be an election issue.
Gee, you think that might be a good idea? Only in Alabama, and perhaps some other Southern states would such a “good 'ole boy” kind jail finance law like this be tolerated. . . . . and for over 80 years??? This was an open invitation for double dealing, embezzlement, theft of taxpayer funds, etc. And they think the Federal Government is corrupt?
Good to know the Governor who voted for a child-rapist in the special election draws the line at jail food.
My faith in Alabama Republicans has finally been restored!
I’m aghast that you were ever beset by any doubts.
Typical Republican - waits until Sherriff has his beach house then stops the program.
Republicans are fiscally incoherent.
“I have changed the way these funds are handled because it is the right thing to do,” the governor said."
That would be a bummer for Ivey after she staked out a position in opposition to entrepreneurship and the men of law and order who keep us safe.
ooops …
she just assured being targeted for a primary …
ya can’t make jailing folks less profitable … in Repub circles … and survive —
Public funds should be used for public purposes.
Wow. What a concept!
You’d think she was a good government advocate or something. I’d better not look any deeper or I’ll find the truth.
I’ll bet you this grows out of an old British practice that they stopped using there in the 19th century. So Ivey is just trying to bring Alabama into the 19th century now.
I should think so. Talk about an invitation to corruption!
Here’s an idea, Alabama Legislature: change the f’ing law.
If you don’t want to be seen by the rest of the country/world as a corrupt, retrograde joke, stop making it so easy.
“… besides, there’s no way those local yokels are getting any more fun money that can otherwise be diverted to support the Governor’s Office.”
Local sheriffs have justified by the practice by pointing out that the practice is legal.
Legal corruption is still corruption.
Had it not been in the news recently she would probably still be accepting kickbacks from the sheriffs.
Apologies for the cliche…that’s mighty white of her…