Discussion for article #233771
Minor correction: The name of the church is First Shiite Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa
"Let’s be different in the state of Alabama. "
Too late for that.
Why the Tax Man doesn’t come calling on these people is beyond my understanding. Where exactly is that line the IRS set? – Do they ever go after these types of frauds anymore?
Dear Rev. McGee,
Could you please cite chapter and verse in the New Testament where it says that God commands that gays not be allowed to marry?
Yes, I’ll wait.
Guess this Alabama gov wanted to be on the right side of history for a change.
I’m an Alabamian who didn’t vote for Bentley, but this gives me a little bit of respect for him. Politically, it would have been incredibly easy for him to grandstand and pander to the bigots like our idiot Chief Justice.
About time somebody stood up to these religious bullies.
As a Christian, I just don’t get or understand other Christians who refuse to accept the fact that not everyone shares the same faith, or even believes in God. I don’t want anyone telling me how to worship, and I think everyone else deserves the same respect.
I’d be willing to bet good money that a relative or an old friend recently came out to him. Direct experience, their own or a loved one’s, is the only way today’s empathy-deficient Republicans ever see the light on virtually any issue.
Former Alabamian and completely agree, Bentley could have easily piled on. And he’ll take a lot of shit for this - defying one’s own pastor. My experience was most Alabamians saw gay marriage as not a big deal. They might be against the idea but wouldn’t consider it a priority at all. Way too many other priorities in their lives.
I wonder if FOX will do weeks of stories about this pastor trying to influence an elected official, you know, like a Reverend Wright sort of story. I’m guessing we won’t be hearing anything about it from FOX.
McKee said he urged the governor to take advantage of widespread disapproval of gay marriage in Alabama. “We’re still living in a very conservative state,” he said.
This could easily justify “legalized” racism. I wonder if this “pastor” realizes how ridiculous his argument is.
Sorry Rev, McKee but the governor has taken an oath to enforce the law. if he does not he can be impeached.
Folks like this pastor are no deep thinkers. They run on emotion.
My experience was most Alabamians saw gay marriage as not a big deal. They might be against the idea but wouldn’t consider it a priority at all. Way too many other priorities in their lives
The fact that they only managed to turn out a couple of dozen people for a protest, when 200,000 rallied against marriage in France where overall support is higher, indicates that that’s true.
If I were in Governor Bentley’s shoes, I’d be looking for a new church.
Alabama Gov. Defied His Own Pastor In Reaction To Gay Marriage RulingWell I suppose that's better than if he had deified him.
It’s refreshing to see evidence of the separation of church and state enforced by a governor. Governance is the legal role of the federal government and the states. Religion is what some individuals use to govern their personal lives. Religion is not government, nor a Public Service. Too many are horribly confused these days.
Or a decision not to throw good money after bad. Fighting these rulings is not exactly free.