It’s tough out there on the trail.
Roy Moore’s Jesus: He loves all the little children of the world. Red and Yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight.
Roy Moore’s margin of victory just went up 5 points. Because, Talibama.
Ecru fighting cerise, plaid fighting stripes, floral prints fighting solids and who will unite us – Calvin Klein!
Roy Moore’s next disquisition on the state of American race relations will explore the deep division between Yellow and High Yaller.
“What’s going to unite us? What’s going to bring us back together? A president? A Congress? No,” he added. “It’s going to be God.”
Uh, Mr Moore. There’s been more people killed over religion than all the wars combined.
Just as long as they are white
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
“Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.”
Slave owners convinced themselves that slavery was an uplifting experience for blacks, exposing them to proper work habits, self-discipline, and the saving grace of Christianity. Blacks were thought to be in danger of eternal damnation without Christian baptism and indoctrination. Slaveholding, therefore was “a duty and a burden”
Christian missionaries emphasized being obedient to masters and salvation after death.
Source: The Slave Experience
Buzzfeed is reporting an underground Pallette Network.
1 / I can’t wait until we unite under god (Dog for you dyslexics and pet lovers).
2 / When the Reds and Yellows love each other, we’ll get some Oranges. And the Blacks and Whites will give us Grays, except in Alabama.
3 / More god will be good for everybody because people never fight religious wars.
Paul Lynde was rather prescient…
Trump: I guess Strange is out. Why is Moore so smart?
Our tightie whities?
At least the Dem candidate is almost even with Moore and Strange in the recent polling.
One hopes for the rubes to divide their votes between the two wingnuts so that the Dem has a chance of winning.
Hard to believe anyone, short of Himmler, could make Jeff Beauregard Sessions look good. But then there’s this fool.
Oh, you must have missed Jeff Sessions’ response: “I had no idea that Injuns were fightin’ Chinamen…”