Discussion: Ala. Official Lashes Out When Filmmaker Says Registering To Vote Is Complicated

100% of my vote goes to the Short Tempered Man Baby party.



…an intended consequence of voter suppression .


When I threatened you with arrest, I was just being a Genteel Southern Gentleman. After all, it would be a travesty and an affront to Rosa Parks if our modern day version of the former Confederate State literacy tests for voting were simplified. You outside agitators need to stop stirring up trouble down here.

if UR we will be happy to prosecute

Jeez what is this guy, ten years old?


Registering to vote is complicated for two categories.

  • Republicans who can’t find their way around the application form


  • Voters in states where Republican Governors and Republican Sec of State have abused their powers to create a system suppressing the vote.

Merrill wualifies for both categories.

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Of course it’s fair … after all, the “right” people are guaranteed to win in Alabama, right? What could be more fair than that?

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Well, I’ve said it a million times before but I come from the ONLY state in the union that doesn’t have voter registration and hasn’t since 1951. It should be just MARINATING in voter fraud, according to Johnny.

Except it isn’t and never has.

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