Fuck you Bentley. I’ve seen the map - most of the people in the areas where the DMV offices were closing would be forced to drive an hour or more to reach an open office. That makes getting a license an hours long venture, and making you have to take time off work.
“They are wrong on this issue,” said Bentley. “… It’s politics at its worst. And it’s race politics at its worst.”
… “I want us to be inclusive. I don’t want us to look at the color of people’s skin. I don’t want us to look at whether they are male or female. We are all Alabamians and I’m their governor. I know most of them (blacks in the affected counties losing driver’s license offices) are not going to vote Republican. But you are not going to win people over by not being inclusive.”
Shorter Alabama Governor: It’s not racial politics when a white Republican governor of a Southern Voter ID state - who says he knows most blacks won’t vote for him - closes offices that provide Voter ID’s to black voters, but it’s racial politics at its worst when they complain about it.
The region where the DMV offices were closed is called the Black Belt. African Americans settled there way back because of fertile farmland and stayed. They are being targeted, and all the excuses can’t change those facts. Selma and Montgomery are within this belt
Which is the really moronic part of this situation. Alabama, facing a budget crisis, is going to spend millions defending the closings/ID laws, and ultimately be forced to open up the DMV offices anyway. (or toss aside the ID law). There is no situation where it doesn’t play out that way.
And the part that makes it REALLY stupid? Alabama is not in danger of turning blue anytime soon. So they are spending millions, and taking a HUGE PR hit that will impact them economically, to disenfranchise a group of people that are losing politically anyway.
Some time ago the GOP decided to label as racists anyone who nails their racist asses to the wall. They learned to do this from Newt Gingrich. The ruse is intended to make their racist base feel good about themselves.
Trump: Guv is right. Liberals have been whining for voting rights. We want freedom to choose who we like to register for votes. Blacks do not pay any taxes as most dont have jobs. Why should they be allowed to vote? I am with original constitution and count The Blacks as Three Fifth (even that) of a person. Needless to say, I only want Whites voting in any election, anywhere.
Totally off subject, but Escambia County AL is one of the 22 weird counties that extends across state lines into Escambia County FL. Basically the only share the name (though their borders line up as well) from a legal standpoint, but demographically they are pretty much the same, too. Deeply, deeply red.
Alabama Governors have a proud history of standing in doorways to block progress, whether it be to a university education or to a polling place. They are determined to take Alabama back to the good old pre January 1, 1863 days, when people knew their place in society.
You won’t find them doing like their Georgia neighbors, prosecuting criminal gangs leading a rebel charge against children’s birthday parties, nor will you find them taking down the stars and bars, like those in South Carolina, finally admitting they lost the Civil War to the USA. Audemus jura nostra defendere esse retro saecula.
You see, it’s not the decision to close the offices that represents race politics at its worst, it’s the outcry over that decision that represents race politics at its worst.
Republicans - never the bully; they’re always the victims.