Discussion: Al-Qaida In Yemen: Cleric With $5 Million U.S. Bounty On Him Is Dead

Discussion for article #235294

Okay, I confess: my drone. It was my taxes, specially earmarkedt to take out al Qaedaians, that nailed this bad boy.

So now, about those file million smackeroos: small denominations, unmarked bills, plain fresh paper bag, locker number at downtown bus depot to be provided.

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I am not sure I would trust AQAP as a “news source” any more than I would trust Fox :smile:

I agree that you cannot trust al Qaeda as new source. I am hoping it is true though. It would save the American taxpayers $5 million if old age did not take its course and if no one claims responsibility

Assuming this is all true, then consider this.

Bill O"Reilly said that President Obama has declared “open season on white men and christians”. Mullah Ibrahim al-Rubbish was white and believed in jesus.

Does this logic make sense? Does it prove Bill O’Reilly right?

Wait a minute, there’s more. This al-Rubbish guy was Saudi? Aren’t Saudis all round wonderful, peace, god and freedom-loving folks who are our allies and abhor terrorism?

Why does Barack Hussein Obama keep coddling terrorists?
Also, Benghazziiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!111!!! ™

Al-Qaida In Yemen: 'We Led You to Bounty Cleric, Pay Us’


And by the way, doesn’t Ibrahim look he could be this guy’s son? Just sayin’…