Discussion for article #224877
Oh, I get it now- if your missiles are laser guided, and you text the recipient before you hit an apartment building in one of the most densely populated places on the planet, you’re not a terrorist. It’s just too darn bad if the missile is off a few meters, or there are a few dozen non-combatants that get killed.
At what point do Israel’s actions become war crimes?
I don’t get why there has to be a balance of casualties, unless more dead Jews would make you happy.
I’m sorry but that sort of talk is not approved in the United States. You can criticize anything or anyone else. Just not that one thing.
I see Israel is staging another jihadist recruiting drive. I mean, what would we do for jihadis if Israel didn’t take it on itself to top up the supply periodically?
Sharon, calling anyone who criticizes Israel an anti-Semite doesn’t work anymore.
Yes Sharon, your logic doesn’t work anymore. Israel spends millions on bomb shelters and anti-rocket systems and Hamas spends nothing on shelters to protect their people. Instead Hamas encourages the people of Gaza to act as human shields thereby increasing civilian caualties. Hamas only spends the millions it receives from abroad on more missile making capability. Only more dead Israelis can help Israel regain its moral authority it has lost by defending itself according to the twisted logic of many on this site.
Israelis have bomb shelters, so it’s OK to kill Palestinian women and children?
Your level of tribalism is revolting.
Sounds like Avigdor “1000 of theirs for every 1 of ours” Lieberman is in control of this operation.
Is there a point at which the violence visited on those in Gaza in the name of Israel’s self-defense is unacceptable? I’m just curious where you might draw that line.
Would it be okay of 1,000 Palestinians were killed in retaliation for the death of 1 Israeli? How about 3,000 to 1? What if “Hamas’” rockets failed to kill anyone, would 4,000 to 0 be okay?
I’m simple curious if you have a moral threshold on this issue, or if you think any level of death and destruction in the “defense” of Israel is justified, regardless of human cost?
People in Gaza aren’t being killed in “retaliation” for anything. People in Gaza are being killed because their government, which they elected, has chosen to commit acts of war from civilian areas. If the rocket fire from Gaza stopped, I can guarantee you that “violence visited on those in Gaza” would stop as well.
Whether you call it “retaliation” or “justice”, the dead in Gaza are still dead, and it’s no comfort to them.
Then they need to politely or otherwise ask their wonderful leaders in Hamas to stop firing rockets from their backyards.
I don’t get how it Israels fault for shooting back?
I don’t care how small, weak or tiny you are, if you keep kicking me in the shins no matter how many times I ask you to stop I’m eventually going to hit you to make you stop.
Fine, hit me.
Just stop ringing my doorbell and punching my kid sister in the face.
If a suicide bomber blows up a bus full of civilians in Israel, could one blithely dismiss the deaths by saying, heck, if they didn’t want to get blown up, they shouldn’t have voted for an oppressive Likud government that steals Palestinian land?
I believe it was sometime in 1948AD
Yes, because there is an exact parallel between someone who straps a bomb to his (or her chest) and deliberately targets civilians and a military that first warns people about impending airstrikes on military targets before those strikes happen.
If you’re still having problems with this concept, watch this video, in which a Hamas spokesman talks about how effective their human shield policy is (talk about violations of the Geneva convention!):
youtube? Really?
Your ability to rationalize the avoidable deaths of innocent people because of a perfunctory attempt at a “warning” is duly noted. Apparently, no one got the message at the cafe where all those people were killed, or in the apartment building two addresses down from the intended target. And I don’t really get the superiority of guided missiles vis-a-vis suicide bombs as a method of dying.