Discussion: Air Force Damaged Nuclear Missile, Hid Mishap From Pentagon Review

Discussion for article #245012

The very definition of a ‘Broken Arrow’.

The 9 megaton warhead was found some distance away As a result, the Titan II was withdrawn from service soon afterwards because of the volatile liquid fuel. I knew the FM from Little Rock on duty that night.

The LGM-30 Minuteman series is solid fuel. Got to know them very well during my time in Montana.

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A little fire and brimstone on the road to Damascus.

Meh. You really can’t trust the Air Farce with anything-- with their sweetheart deals with contractors, they keep pushing the latest things, like F-35s-- and try to kill what’s useful in the fleet (A-10s), etc.

All at exorbitant rates.

Should just disband them and place them back under the Army.

I wonder, Was that the “hole” AF Budget that year?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s private industry employees, government employees, or military personnel, Cover-Your-Ass is universal.