Discussion: Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue Urges Trump To Rejoin TPP

Donald Trump would be overwhelmed managing a fricking Dairy Queen.


Making money in real estate is apparently far easier than I had assumed.

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Might as well approach this, Sonnyboy, the way you faced down an extensive and devastating drought in your state.

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There are some who consider that threatening to quit gives you leverage, at least on a temporary basis. But actually quitting and then asking for your job back removes any current or future leverage you may aspire to have.

Fat Nixon quit and now he or his admin believe that the US can rejoin the TPP and still be seen as one of the power players. Sorry kids, the rest of the world has moved on and, if they do allow the US to rejoin, we have lost all leverage not just because we quit but because we can no longer be seen as a reliable partner.

Nice work, red state farmers!


Crawling back and expecting to be re-offered the same deal from which you walked away contemptuously… I’m not sure that has a great track record.


World leaders must wonder WTF voters did during the last election. Banana republics have thugs like Duterte in charge. Autocracies have despots like Erdoğan. North Korea combines both in Jong-un. But the United States isn’t supposed to dabble in experiments wherein unhinged blithering idiots get a crack at leadership of the nation. Yet here we are. I live here and don’t know what of think of it. People on the other side of either ocean must be thoroughly mystified.


The thing they seem to be missing is that The Orange Menace doesn’t care about the farmers.

The article says “The TPP was a signature piece of former President Barack Obama’s Asia policy…” That’s all you need to know. If it was something that Obama did, then the Orange Menace must strike it down. Domination politics.


Donald Trump on Sonny Purdue’s job security:

“We’ll see, we’ll see.”


All the farm states that went overwhelmingly for Trump, how’s that working out for you?


This is what farm states voted for. While it is doubtful Trump knew any of the specifics of TPP, he did not hide his disdain for it. Trump and his followers believe(d) that the sheer force of his Trumpyness would bring better trade deals. Or those voters did not think he was serious and it is the same with tariffs. Negotiating new trade agreements with all of the countries in TPP ain’t happenin’ fast enough or perhaps at all.


In fairness, this is usually a good prior with DJT.


The last thing the TPP members want is a capricious US to ruin their fledgling pact. There will be enough friction even without Trump.

Maybe in the future when they have their framework stabilized and the US can be taken for it’s word, they might invite us in.


I’ve worked with people in the agriculture sector. Yes, there are corporate farm operations. But a great deal of what we consume is in fact produced by individual and family farms. When you see two dozen trucks pulling grain hoppers full of corn into the regional grainery and dumping their loads into the silos more often than not each is from a different local farm. Mega-Ag corporations seldom own millions of acres and all the equipment, trucks, employees and infrastructure assets needed to plant, cultivate, harvest and transport the nation’s crops. Ma and Pa Kettle still do much of it.

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OpEd in Today’s Washington Post:


USA, Official Junior Developing-World Partner.

MAGA’d. Sad.

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And this is what we get when we have Stupid people doing stupid shit
China stepped right into the void created when we left strengthening an already strong influence in the area.
No one could have predicted.
It’s too bad they don’t give Nobels for biggest dumbass


“Many people are learning that China is expanding its strength and power more and more in the region, and they’re getting very big.”

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He kicked a n**g*r out of office and kept a ball busting femi-nazi from gaining it. He is deporting Hispanics, persecuting Muslims, starving public schools and generally matching the depraved and vulgar qualities of his base. He’s one of them. I think most of them could give a shit he’s kicking them in the teeth. Daddy knows best.

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Lol Sonny. “Advising” trump means to parrot the tweety whims of his tiny sclerotic heart. ETTD.