Discussion: Agonizing and Awkward, GOP Hopefuls Struggle with Gay Marriage

Discussion for article #235682

the long-suffering Log Cabin republicansā€¦no sympathy


Rafael and Marco would make a cute couple, and theyā€™re both Cubanos. Huckster could be the officiant, Jeb the bestest man, Rick (not the frothy kind) would skip the nuptials but come to the reception for the corn dogs. And Aynie Randy ā€¦ Who knows this week?


coerce religious people and institutions to violate their consciences in actively celebrating such unions

Active celebration, eh? I guess thatā€™s like open and avowed celebration? Flamboyant yet forced celebration? Turn that frown up side down, muthafukka, or else??
Ehā€¦Theyā€™re gonna need sharper nails for this cross.


Theyā€™re not really for gay marriage until they start marrying each other.

"Looming ahead for these contenders are early contests in states such as Iowa and South Carolina, where a major role will be played by conservative Christian voters firmly opposed to same-sex marriage. " Divorce 2 or 3 times is fine, being and adulterer is fine, telling your wife you want a divorce while she is in the hospital for cancer treatments is fineā€¦ hypocrites one and all ā€œChristianā€ in name only.


Appeal to the baseā€¦or tell the truth
Appeal to the baseā€¦or tell the truth
Appeal to the baseā€¦or tell the truth
Appeal to the baseā€¦or tell the truth

ā€¦ what to doā€¦what to do??


Hey, let these states pass their ā€œreligious freedomā€ laws and when they do, just boycott the beejeezus out of them. I donā€™t see the problem. It wasnā€™t a court case that sent Indiana lawmakers back to the drawing boards --it was their sanctified free market. Surely while they pass laws allowing discrimination, they canā€™t think of denying the rest of us our right of free association and our right to spend our money where we wish. Personally, Iā€™d be just as happy to see them have their discriminatory legislation and watch them slowly twist in the wind.

It should be a warning sign to any political party when pandering for the approval of your base makes you unelectable.

Well its simple your for gay marriage or you are not. There is no in between on this issue.
These candidates can not win a election by running against gay marriage. And they canā€™t win by running for gay marriage.
They are pretty much screwed on that issue. The way I see it health care is going to be the other thorn for the GOP.
at some point they are going to have to tell their voters that they will repeal "Obamacareā€™ if they win the presidency , the house and the senate. Some how unless theyare just extremely stupid, republican voters will want to live longer as oppose to continue unconditionally their devotion to the GOPā€™s hate for the ACAā€¦

What would MacGuyver do?

The desperate Rs will not only tell the rubes theyā€™ll repeal Obama which has been a success beyond anyoneā€™s predictions, they will also promise a return to trickle down economics because IT WORKS! But whatā€™s being called pink triangulation is whatā€™s going to doom them in the end because theyā€™ve said the following; theyā€™ll go the reception but not the wedding; theyā€™d still love their lesbian daughters, and same sex marriage is just a set of laws like a contract.

A little from column A and a little from column B, sort of a mix-and-match philosophy.


This is just for the required number of characters.

Shorter ā€˜Religiousā€™ Nut: Help! Iā€™ve been forced to bake a cake! Somewhere in this Book thereā€™s a rule against that! Iā€™ll find it some time. I doan wanna break a Commandment.

ā€œThe more shrewd [Republican candidates] know that in order to win the general election, they cannot be in absolute opposition to LGBT equality.ā€

In other words, conservatives, your candidates are pro LGBT. They just donā€™t want you to know what they really intend to do.

Canā€™t say we didnā€™t warn you.

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So, Rev. Russell Moore is president of the Southern Baptist Conventionā€™ Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, doesnā€™t understand the law, and imagines gay rights activists are ā€œwanting instead to use the power of the state to coerce religious people and institutions to violate their consciences in actively celebrating such unions,ā€ which they donā€™t want to do and couldnā€™t legally even if they did.

If Repub voters suddenly said they approved of gay marriage ā€¦

Whatā€™s a demagogue to do?