“No no…this is about illegal immigrants…not the legal ones.”
“Hey, dude, I’ve got an idea…what if we can turn the legal ones into illegal ones somehow?”
“Go on…”
So, is Melania Trump on tht list?
So let me guess. They will be looking closely at brown people.
This is a form of dementia
He declined to say how much the effort would cost but said it would be covered by the agency’s existing budget, which is funded by immigration application fees.
So if you are making it harder to apply for immigration visas then wouldn’t the pool of money from application fees decrease? (Not a math major)
Eventually they’ll get to the point that all American-born citizens who don’t have cute little footprints on the back of their birth certificates will have to reapply for citizenship.
There was this case of a Hungarian Nazi who, despite his background, somehow managed to naturalize and even ended up with a gig at the White House.
A somewhat unnoticed situation is the recent, unprecedented delay in the naturalization process for those who are eligible. It takes almost two years now when just a couple of years ago the process would only take a few months between the filing and the oath. The following is from the USCIS.gov website.
Not if they increase the application fees proportionately. (A math major)
And Melania’s (Melanie’s) parents?
Checks out (also a math major)
Hey, a guy can only work so many hours reviewing the merits of these applications.
Good. If proven in a court of law, those who used identity fraud to gain citizenship should be sent packing.
That cheap labor is coming real soon and guess who is going to work for next to free. the trumpturds are at the front of the line. This is all about forcing cheap labor upon the american worker. i can’t wait to see them building merica’s toll ways that they will not be able to afford to use…
What is the quote? “And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me.”
Yes, Time to deport the SOB.