Discussion: After Trump Visit, China Sending High Level Special Envoy To North Korea

Photo caption: This dotard has no idea why he is here.

A high level envoy? Is that Jared or Ivanka?

While South Korea resisted China’s demands to withdraw the system, Beijing appeared satisfied with a pledge from Seoul not to expand it, among other commitments.

Plus Trump’s MAGA (Make Asia Great Again) performance

So too has Trump’s harsh stance on the current bilateral trade agreement with South Korea caused the new administration of President Moon Jae-in to focus more on building bridges not just with China, but with Japan and other Asian nations.

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China …says its influence with Kim’s regime is often exaggerated by the U.S. and others.

Kind of like no one has any real influence on Donald and his loony mind. Well fox news but they don’t control him, they just really play the tunes he likes, he listens and passes them on.


What a “great deal” you negotiated for us, Donny! You are quite the dealmaker, the best. I wonder how many of our rights and interests you traded away to get China to send a guy to Pyongyang for a weekend, but I’m sure it was nothing that 60 years of prior international diplomacy that you apparently know jackshit about really needed to maintain.

The unbrained Trump/Moore gun-fetishist/pedo-apologist followers will surely be impressed.

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They’re sending the high level envoy because of the risk that trump will provoke a war. I can imagine the message going something like “No, really, he is that crazy and stupid.”


Yeah, the message will be.
Stop harassing the chump in the white house.
Here’s a check for 100 million
He will kill us all for fun and considered it a win for the oligarchs.
Let the Americans take him down.