Wow. Did Mitch “allow them to speak their conscious”? (He seems to command all Repubs these days)
Amash humanized Cohen. Jordan won’t be happy.
Why is Justin Amash suddenly missing from the room?
Off to the GOP re-indoctrination dungeon?
Several of us immediately noted this. and lets give him a name: Its Justin Amish. He was one of the honorable 13 who voted to end Trump’s fake “emergency deceleration”.
If you have followed him, he has always been a rather honorable guy, looks shocked at what his fellow party members do at times. He is an actual, honest libertarian, and I think actually believes in American values, honesty, redemption, hard work, national good, etc, all of the “values” that the Right Wing TeaTurds and Jesus Freaks have sold out.
I probably disagree with 90% of what Justin Amish believes from a policy stand point (the agreement being that he seems to be live and let live on most social issues) but he is the type of republican that we need a lot more of, if we are ever going to restore our democracy to what it should be.
Well, might as well fully illustrate the catch-22 the GOPers are in, because they might as well have been sawing their own heads off with the attacks on Cohen, and while Amash surprisingly managed to show some signs of being a human being for a few minutes, all it did was show that they can’t really take that route either.
Clearly, the thing that tRump fears the most is losing his precious Ivanka. Ivanka may be the only person in the whole world who tRump truly loves, the love is creepy as hell but it’s true love. tRump also fears losing his money and having to live like one of the poors and, if he’s at all sensible, he fears losing his freedom, but I think he may even be willing to sacrifice himself to protect TLO.
Per Cohen Trump had repeatedly failed to pay AMI for squelching stories - in other words, it’s true: Trump Stiffed Pecker!!
I am an Amash constituent, and I am a bit skeptical about how principled he is. He may be a principled libertarian at heart. But he is in congress because club for growth and its trump loving donors have spent a million dollars to put him there. His closest buds in congress are Butina fan boy Thomas Massie and Russia messenger boy Rand Paul.
Maybe this is a bit conspiratorial, but he might just be someone hedging their bets for when the Trumpie tools like Jordan and Meadows go down with the ship.
Oh yeah, close with DeVos family too.
A Republican with the remnants of a spine!!
Quick, call the environmental squad to rescue him for preservation and breeding, lest the entire species go extinct!
All of us have had bosses that speak in “code.” I had one who used to say “let’s not get confused.” We didn’t.
Amish did surprise me with his decent demeanor.
GOP 1: Book deal??
GOP 2: Book deal??
GOP 3: Book deal??
GOP 4: Book deal??
After lunch
GOP 9: AIEEEEEE!!! (jumping on table and flinging poo)
What is the truth you know President Trump fears most?
A: I’m going to guess “all of them.”
Sounds like he didn’t get the Rethugs’ memo re: the hearing.
I come away from watching him thinking that he is (1) basically honorable, but (2) not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. Yes, lots of swamy people behind him, he came out of the “club for growth” swamp, but I see him as doing what he thinks is “right” at times.
This is not the first time that he has taken votes against Repub leadership, and he is viewed as a flake by most of the republican party. They actually as I recall tried to get him primaried in 2018.
I’m forced again to beg the question. Is there such thing as an “honest libertarian”?
To be fair. The GOP Memo Re: The Hearing. Was delivered in code by Louie Gohmert. To preserve Plausible Deniability. And everyone who listened to it asked “WTF?”
Amash voted with the Dems against Trump’s emergency. I don’t agree with him, but he sticks to his principles.
It’s actually good that a Republican asked real questions instead of grandstanding…it will make it even more clear how desperately the other Republicans are acting in their defense of Trump. And, at some point, people really should be asking why…
Cohen also did the right thing by not answering the “scariest truth” question…he really can’t know that, and being honest on that question, instead of flinging around possible things that might scare Trump, makes the testimony more reliable.