Discussion: After Sadler Leak, Daily Comms Meeting Scrapped, WH Mulls Shrinking Comms Team

has “the biggest team, and yet gets ‘the worst press.’”

That’s what happens when you’re the absolute Worst Person in the World; I miss that segment on Olbermann. It also doesn’t help when your “communications” team are shameless liars known only for their incompetence and complete lack of morals, not unlike yourself.

IOW You can’t polish a turd.


Yes, because people having cellphones at work is the real problem.

Staffers won’t be fired outright, but rather pushed out slowly or reassigned to other departments, CNN reported.

He needs to grow a pair. Remember ‘You’re fired’?


Hah! More work for John Barron. Busy fellow that he is.


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JFC on a buttered bagel.
Never have such rank amateurs entered the realm of Government and public discourse.
All they had to do was have her come out and say
“It was in poor taste and I apologize”
End of story
Circle the wagons , Admit nothing . Complain the problem is the leak. Dismantle another control on Trump’s bizarre behavor.
Beyond embarrassment
The lot of them


Let me guess, he is going to reduce the Comm Team size and increase the Minders Team. Time again for reasons to dress in oiled leather trench coats with rad insignia.

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The only people allowed at the meetings will be those related to him genetically or by marriage.


You expect in that family genetic links are a sign of loyalty?


So I guess continued leaks means eventually the White House staff is reduced to Trump, Sanders, Conway and Kelly. Good luck with that.


Eventually Trump by himself talking to the portrait of Andrew Jackson.


Jeez maybe Ivanka, Eric and Junior should be tested for paternity?


The fish rots from the head down.

So nobody in the WH should be surprised by any of this at all.

I seem to recall someone mentioning that this was going to be the most transparent administration EV-UH. Oh, yeah, and drain the swamp…


Well, that solves the problem of Trump being a liar, a bully, and a self-consumed asshole! No, wait!!

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All they had to do was apologize. Just one fucking simple thing. If they had, the day after it hit the press, no one would be talking about this. Of course, we would still be talking about what assholes Trump and Sanders and Kelly and Schlapp are, but that goes without saying.
They should have figured out that blaming the press wasn’t working 3 days ago, but they’re still pushing that line, and it still isn’t working. But it is driving Trump up a fucking wall, and that’s always entertaining, since he gets obsessed with this shit and it affects everything else he says or does and then the members of his staff have to go out and make excuses for his batshit dumbass behavior over and over again.
But thank goodness that totally-Not-Racist-Media-Created-Savior-Of-America General John Kelly has the situation well in hand! He was in the military, dontcha know!


What has happened to Stephen Miller? Did he slink away when I wasn’t looking?

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This is too funny. Officials leaking the story of how Trump is going to control leaks. Some day he may figure it out that the problem isn’t the leakers…


Exactly! If Sadler had simply come out and apologized this would no longer be a story. The story has gone from a careless, thoughtless “joke” to a paranoid, locked-down White House. Some “Communications” Office. They don’t know the message they are sending.

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Speaking of selling out…Krugman looks at several instances where Trump makes US policy decisions after businesses help Trump family business interests and how the GOP isn’t doing anything about it.

And two weeks ago the Pentagon banned sales of ZTE phones on military bases, following warnings from intelligence agencies that the Chinese government may be using the company’s products to conduct espionage.


I hear that if you put them on a cookie sheet and bake them in a pre-heated oven for about 3 minutes they come out 1/3 their original size.
Oh, wait. That’s Shrinky Dinks. Well, same difference.