Discussion: After S.C. Primary, Rubio Says It's A Three-Person Race

Discussion for article #246275

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As the results in the South Carolina Republican primary were still being tallied, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) declared on Saturday that the GOP primary is now a three-way race.

At the time of his speech, he was battling with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for a second-place finish in South Carolina, and Donald Trump had been declared the winner.

… so the MarcoBot 2016 also suffers from premature electionation…???..


I hate this “new American century” rap he keeps spinning.


BTW I think he is right. This is his comeback moment. If pro-establishment is still the majority of the GOP, he will have the nomination, and Kasich will be his VP pick. But that’s a big IF.


I hate this “new American century” rap he keeps spinning.

Hey, hey, HEY! You heard the man: It’s God’s will. What are you gonna do? Argue with God?


I think the bigger news tonight is Carnival Cruz coming in third. He squeaked out a win in Iowa, came in 3rd in NH and 3rd tonight. Seems to be in line with President Huckabee and President Santorum. Iowa is the high point.


I find it difficult to accept that he believes anything he’s only quoted as saying once.


I would say that a 3rd place finish in NV next might sink him. TX and some other Southern states are on 3/1. Then we’ll know for sure.

TX will be interesting. The establishment Republicans don’t like him and probably won’t vote for him. Drumpf is just the type of baggerbigot who should do well in R primary.


I wonder if he’ll keep declaring it after Kasich beats his ass with a tire iron out back.

Interestingly, both Rubio and Trump called Cruz a liar to his face in the last debate! So if this is truly a three-man race now, it’s Cruz against two guys who’ve shown withering contempt for him (and Unca Ben his hapless victim and closet partner!). That won’t play well for Cruz in the long run.

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But but but…the Confederate Flag bit didn’t work? :worried:


The Presidency is always a pressure-packed position. Under pressure, all of us retreat to our default position for dealing with stress. Marco Rubio doesn’t handle stress well. Under stress, his default positions are he either freezes (his State of the Union rebuttal, the recent NH debate), changes his tune or simply doesn’t show up (Florida legislature in 2001 when it was formulating a state response to the threat of terrorism after the attack in New York, the U.S. Senate when the immigration policy change he was leading came under attack; defending immigrants in 2001, deporting them now). He says the things particular audiences want to hear, but is never willing to fight for any given policy. His ideas change, his default positions never do; under pressure, his brain stalls, he sings a different song, or he goes missing. He is not up to leading our country now. Most likely never will be. We need an almost 24/7 President not an 8/3 one with all of his weekends off.


“I know that our campaign gives us the best chance, not just to come together, not just to unify our party, but to unify our country and to grow this movement,” Rubio said on Saturday night. “If it is God’s will that we should win this election, then history will say that on this night in South Carolina, we took the first step forward in the beginning of a new American century.”

I don’t know. Shouldn’t he win somewhere, anywhere first, before he graces us with such flowery, self important talk?

Or much like forty is the new thirty, is finishing second/third the new first?


doesn’t matter

his day planner should be free soon


"After tonight this has become a three-person race

and the participants in it are Trump, Trump’s ego and the modern day GOP elders collectively weeping like Niobe over the loss of her children.


After South Carolina Primary, Marco Rubio Declares It A Three-Person Race…

…to finish second in November.
Please proceed Senator.



Anybody else notice Rubio’s abnormal mouth and tongue movements during his SC speech?

He frequently pursed his mouth, smacked his lips, and pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek. The movements became more numerous as his nine-minute speech went on and are most noticeable when he is not talking.

I suppose the movements could be due to his infamous dry mouth. But could they be indicative of a movement disorder or side effect of a medication?

Check out the video of his speech at:

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Appreciate the offer, but I believe you.


More like a three Stooge race.

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