Discussion: After Russian Hack, Officials Panic About Vulnerable U.S. Electric Grid


It’s a hoax. We all know all you need to do is plug your stuff in and then all is well. Besides, the best people in trump world have this well in hand.


They’re also targeting communications technology—not just hacking, they’ve got subs nosing around underwater cables and so forth. If they start a war in Europe, emboldened by Trump’s treason, it’s’ going to get interesting real fast. That’s why the GOP are traitors for protecting and enabling that treason.


This is actually really important. Especially since it could turn into another form of election interference.

Why bother trying to hack into voting machines. Just turn the power off in predominately Democratic areas on Election Day.


Generac generator on a 1,000 gallon propane tank.

Only way to go. Works for me.


Ask these guys if they care . When we win the mid-terms lets give them their wish and give them a one way ticket on Areoflot


It’s ok everybody, I spoke to Vlad and he very strongly said Russia was not responsible for hacking the grid, very powerful in his words, looked me in the eye. Good enough for me!


This is an issue that should be a huge concern for all without regard to politics. The fact that the current administration and congressional leadership are not addressing it demonstrates their unfitness fir public office.


Why do they hate America?


The Russians would never attack the US Power Grid…and they’d never help the NRA spread Russian AK-47’s across the country to keep the gun killing growing, the Russians would never rig the US Election to prop up their little butt boy, the Russians would never invade a foreign country like the Ukraine and take a strategic part of their legal territory, the Russians would never help N. Korea circumvent the US Sanctions, the Russians would never establish a spy network in the US and infiltrate US Custom’s computer systems, the Russians would never spread propaganda through Fox News and then claim the US Media is fake.

No, the Russians are Trump’s friends so they must be our friends…right?

Rooftop solar…now that’s one way to make sure the Russians don’t shut down your house. The other way, vote out all Republicans who have proven time again they are unfit to govern and protect us from Trump-Putin!


Traitors in our midst.


Mass migrations? People are going to want to come here if the lights and A/C don’t work?

But seriously, apart from spending a few tens of billions on cybersecurity, the best way to deal with these threats is a strong deterrent: You interfere with our power grid, your air-traffic control system goes down, etc.


After Russians successfully hacked into the United States’ electric utilities, giving them the power to trigger catastrophic blackouts throughout the country, officials are sounding the alarm and prepping punishments in case it happens again.

Again, it has been known for at least the past 10 years that the grid was vulnerable and yet government agencies that should be in charge of designing and implementing solutions have done squat.

Personally I am golden as I am not on the grid, I have been 100% solar since 2014. Going solar or other off grid solutions is the smart way to move. There is no reason why 90% of homes and businesses can’t use all that roof space going to waste.

Another resource that is problematical and open to hacking are water treatment facilities. Once again, I am golden as I obtain 100% of my water needs from rainwater retention. I believe a good 35/40% of households could also go that route.

Both solutions use an age old solution to solve “modern” problems and also take the strain off our aging infrastructure. Both solutions and maybe a reason why not implemented save money.


This is what Trump and Faux have done to America


One way to increase the value of a rubble is to blackmail the US into darkness or accept their currency as our own? This is what the Conservative Movement has brought down upon this nation. Voters better see the light about Republicans before they all go out.

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The privately-owned utility companies that run the three big electrical grids in the U.S. have reportedly said that they desperately need help from the federal government and the military to protect the technology.

CBS NEWS May 16, 2018, 11:34 AM
***White House cybersecurity coordinator position eliminated***

Last Updated May 16, 2018 11:34 AM EDT

The White House has eliminated the position of cybersecurity coordinator, a National Security Council official confirmed to CBS News on Tuesday. The position was left open when Rob Joyce, President Trump's first coordinator, announced last month he was leaving the White House to return to the National Security Agency.

By Mark Landle- NEW YORK TIMES
April 10, 2018

WASHINGTON — A day after John R. Bolton went to work as national security adviser, he began shaking up the Trump administration’s national security ranks, ousting President Trump’s chief adviser on homeland security, Thomas P. Bossert.

Mr. Bossert’s sudden departure on Tuesday was the latest in an exodus of senior officials, and it leaves the White House short-handed in counterterrorism and cybersecurity operations as the president moves closer to a military strike on Syria.

Another solution is to mine all Russian ports of entry and stall their navy out in the open seas without provisions. It’s time to take direct action against this cyber warfare. Trump and the Congressional Republicans are either too soft to do it or too corrupt.

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This establishes proof of the Republicans’ complete capitulation to Moscow. What does Putin have on the RNC? Has he been funding the Conservative Movement and Christian Coalition, as well as the cyber warfare on our computers? It’s time to audit the books of these organizations.


But, hey! No collusion.

Plenty of mis- and malfeasance, tho…

Trump does not care about any of this because he understands nothing about it. If he was told someone was hacking Mar a Lago he’d think someone was tearing up the greens.

Trump is an idiot but we all know this. The GOP is fine with this fool so long as they think their fat cat donors get a tax break the uneducated think he’ll overturn Roe v. Wade… QED

Register people to vote. There is a Federal Voter Registration form you can download and use in all 50 states and US Territories- https://vote.gov/files/federal-voter-registration_1-25-16_english.pdf. Print out a bunch and keep them with you. Register people on the spot!

If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led voter-run-around campaign help them do that. This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive. Or even sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table. Yes, that’s the American Association of University Women. And while we’re here organize a League of Women Voters chapter in your community if you don’t already have one. Fair, honest and above board. Democracy functions better with them involved.

Civics, civility and civilization all share the same roots.


Until the thank is empty, then you have to pray you can get another delivery.