Discussion: After Oregon Standoff Takes Violent Turn, What Comes Next?

Discussion for article #245175

I’m not sure that it will make much difference. Those bozos are spoiling for a fight and any excuse will do.


Her grammar and her sartorial taste have the same degrees of awesomosity.

Seriously, limiting this to one death, which witnesses from within his car describe differently, was a major success for law enforcement. I do not expect them to storm the compound. Rather, we are now in the waiting-them-out phase. There is no reason for a bloody Wacko or Ruby Ridge denouement. A one-death outcome is far less likely to trigger a lone wolf into action.


Armed occupiers take over a federal facility, threaten to shot anyone who tries to remove them and the author of this piece wants us to believe that "experts fear the ‘standoff’ could spark ‘extremist outbursts’.
So, …


The Oklahoma City bombing was not retaliation for Waco. That was Timothy McVeigh’s half-assed justification for it. The truth is, Mr. McVeigh wanted to blow people up. If Waco hadn’t have happened, he would’ve used some other excuse.

Just like any other nutjob. Religious beliefs, political convictions, responses to other events–those are just convenient scapegoats. The truth is, nutjobs want to do nutty things.


“Experts Fear Oregon Standoff Death Could Spark More Extremist Outbursts”

Indeed. First place to look for extremist outbursts about it: GOP/Teatroll candidates for POTUS and congress.


First off, both Waco and Ruby Ridge were caused by the government attacking people who were minding their own business. In neither case had they unlawfully occupied Federal property.

In the future, if the government wants to avoid similar situations or cause subsequent “copy cat” acts, they must act immediately to stop unlawful acts.

In other words, the day after they occupy Federal property the violators must be removed…voluntarily,forcibly, or in a body bag. These morons are all “fantasy militia” types, and when faced with a few flash bangs and some tear gas will come out with messy drawers.

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DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. Foreign or domestic. The law bent over backwards trying to peacefully resolve this and are still doing so. Yes other extremists will publicly threaten to kill government officials; arrest them charge them and lock them up. Yes other extremists are going to terrorize and kill innocent civilians in the hopes of turning citizens to their cause and against the government. That is SOP for terrorists. The only thing worse than being forced to put them down is to not put them down. The USC they worship defines them as seditionists and terrorists.


The headline of this piece is pretty hollow: everyone knows these crazy bastards will find any reason to keep being crazy bastards. Just look at why they’re in Oregon in the first place: they’re furious that a couple of ranchers who broke the law are in jail. That’s proof positive that they need no nefarious government actions to spark their one or two brain cells into “patriotic resistance”. These clowns should be left alone with no water, no electricity, no food, no cell coverage and no way to martyr themselves. Put highly directional loud speakers on “10” and sit back to see the rats flee the ship. Done and done.




Alternate headline - “Anyone with common sense knows the nuts who love Bundy might get a little more feisty now”.

What would have happened–from the beginning–if these militiamen had been Latino?
What would have happened–from the beginning–if these militiamen had been African American?
What would have happened–from the beginning–if these militiamen had been Muslim?


Finicum had emerged as an articulate mouthpiece at the refuge


Sorry, but you could sound like the late Alan Rickman, but spouting fever-swamp Derp™ about how you would rather die than be arrested because the Federal government is illegitimate, does not make one “articulate” in the broader use of the term.


Ummmmm, McVeigh was put to death and that is exactly what any copycat will get.

The Federal Government is putting up with some shit but they won’t tolerate retaliation that takes lives and terrorizes the public at large.

Lone wolves are even to nutty to be an oath keeper or member of any of the groups of loons. They can’t be predicted and can only be dealt with as they come.


Well that is a very “creative” way to term shooting at ATF officers attempting to make a legal arrest of members of the compound on weapons violations.


Would we prefer to let it fester until another Oklahoma City happens?

I’m sure the feds very much wanted to take them all alive and watch the rest of the thing fizzle or degenerate into a JPF vs. PFLJ farce, though I don’t believe we can exclude the possibility that the “one percent doctrine” thinking and training that’s animated so many of the shootings of unarmed black men played a role in it ending with a death. But well, it’s done and it is as it is. Which, yeah, means the FBI and HS had damn well better start watching these guys the way they do suspected potential Islamic home brew terrorists, because, yeah, they’ve been metaphorically dying for one of their fellows to literally die and become a martyr to their noble cause of Durpitism.


Hmmm . . . . shot 3 times on the ground. I highly doubt it. Not in this case. I am sure the terms of engagement was very clear to these offices and I’m sure it didn’t include shooting them on the ground. I also highly doubt this guy raised his hand in surrender. Lastly, I bet every second of the encounter was videoed. Not that it makes a difference. These people don’t believe anything but themselves. The word cult comes to mind.

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Creative indeed.

To be fair, Ruby Ridge was not exactly the fed’s finest hour as they killed a 14-year old boy by shooting him in the back and killed a woman holding a baby. It certainly seems like they’ve learned their lesson in the way they are handling the nutjobs in Oregon.


It’s weird, it’s like a bullet, once fired, keeps going.

That’s kind of part of what makes derpsticks like these guys an issue to be concerned about. And also, conveniently, why they’ve got their treehouse stocked with wives and children.