Discussion: After O'Care Vote Is Delayed, McConnell Stresses That It's A 'Complicated' Topic

Seven years and it’s still “complicated”, Yertle?

I guess turtles are really, really, really, really, really, really, really slow learners…


Jason Chaffetz gettin’ while the gettin’s good…


Who knew.


They’ve got the White House, the Senate and the House, and their brain-trusts have been going full blast at this for 8 years… and now they come up empty handed and their excuse is “it’s complicated?” This is a huge embarrassment for the GOP.


it’s a “big, complicated subject,” noting that Democrats spent a great deal of time trying to reach consensus on Obamacare in 2009.

“They’re hard to pull together and hard to pass,” he said of bills addressing complex issues like health care.

Hunh. So years of crafting legislation with bipartisan input, committee hearings, hours of debate and passage against the active opposition of Pukes is harder than cramming legislation written behind closed door in 3 months with no desire to get the Dems on board. Who woulda thunk?


“…delaying the process until after Congress’ July 4 recess so Senate
Republicans can discuss “the differences that we have” on health care.”

The differences:

10% believe there should be government help with healthcare.
90% of the Republicans believe there should be no government help with healthcare and that everyone should either pay cash or die.

It’s kind of a big difference. Nobody knew healthcare was so complicated!


“It’s so complicated that we couldn’t quite manage to sneak the bill through without anyone reading it, but we’ll figure out how to do that so the next time senators vote on the bill without having to make it public.”

Honestly, I can see them trying something like this, or finding a way to change the rules so that the vote only has to be 50% of the present senators and then choosing a time that the Democrats are away to sneak a vote in. Really, nothing is impossible with McConnell pushing to pass something.

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Translation: “I’m a pathetic coward who wet myself at adversity and hope if I delay long enough people will just forget about it.”

“McConnell emphasized that it’s a ‘big, complicated subject,’ noting that Democrats spent a great deal of time trying to reach consensus on Obamacare in 2009.” Trump said something similar when the House bill first failed, that the Dems spent a lot of time on theirs, and the Republicans had only been working on it shortly. Ignoring their promise over the years that they would have a replacement program really, really soon… how does this claim that the Dems spent a great deal of time on it jibe with their litany that it was rammed through?


Eight years of all opposition and no work made Mitch a dull boy. Now he stands there looking like a stoned turtle and channels Trumpsky asking who knew governing was so complicated?

noting that Democrats spent a great deal of time trying to reach consensus on Obamacare in 2009.

Wait, I thought they passed it in the dead of night with nary a view or any discussion… Which is it, you mutant turtle?


McConnell said that Trump’s involvement would be especially helpful as Republicans embark on a final push because only DT can resolve a “big, complicated subject,” in 140 characters.

It doesn’t have to jibe. The GOP and its enablers have converted cognitive dissonance into an art form and are immune to any of its intrinsic discomfort.

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Even Trump has realized it’s complicated.

Yep, that was my response, too…well over a year in process, something like 50+ committee hearings, 25 days of floor debate, lots of R amendments accepted, but “rammed though in the dead of night.” Riiiiiiiiiiight.

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Since January, whenever Trump or the Repugs say or do anything it is always necessary to suspiciously ask, “what’s their hidden agenda?” That gets so tiring.

“It’s a complicated topic.”
Yeah, so is nuclear fission, you turtle-faced motherfucker. Good thing you and your GOP-brethren assholes weren’t in charge of the Manhattan Project, since we would have lost WWII.


It is complicated Mitch, that’s why the GOP should sit it out and let the Democrats handle management of healthcare for this country.

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Lipstick, meet pig.