Wow, a beached whale in a folding chair…amazing!
Oh, cheez, think about if Bill and Hillary had done this. Or the Obamas.
Krispey Kreme and his family? Meh!
ETA: Can’t believe he actually claimed to have “not got any sun” because of wearing a baseball hat. Criminelly. Just when you think it can’t get any stooopider.
Dear New Jersey. Why is this man your Governor?
Reports of Christie dozing in a nearby meadow have been confirmed.
Feet as tiny as Trump’s hands…
I’ll venture a guess. They elected him?
This is fine, he is a Republican.
Lying comes naturally to Republicans:
“I didn’t get any sun today,” responding to a reporter’s question, according to
Later, after being made aware of the photos, Christie’s spokesman said the governor had visited the beach, and then delivered a line for the ages.
“He did not get any sun,” Brian Murray said. “He had a baseball hat on.”
Try to keep his skin wet until the sea mammal rescue team arrives.
Tubalard the Tan
The Brits had fun with this for the last 8 hours:
New Jersey governor Chris Christie lounges on beach that he shut to public
I think he should have invited Donald, would have given some nice headlines…
Yogi Berra Anecdote
Yogi Berra Anecdote:
Whitey tells a tale of a game when Casey Stengel was managing. Casey goes into the clubhouse in between innnings for something. While he's in there, he hears the crowd go wild over something. He comes out and asks Yogi what all the commotion was.
Yogi says that 2 streakers had run onto the field.
Casey says, "Oh, really? Men or women? "
Yogi says, "Hell, skip, I couldn't tell....they had bags over their heads. "
Big Deal
Republican SOP
For me not for thee
Besides that 15% approval rating, term limited , failed Presidential candidate.
So sad
No more fucks to give.
He might not even qualify for Wingnut Welfare ®™
Really Sad
Straight-talking, all American he-man prosecutor who put ‘bad hombres’ in jail and thereby, owing to ‘common wisdom’, is obviously skilled at every facet of public administration and governance, just like a successful ‘bidnessman’. And the good folks in NJ will elect another such fraudulent poseur at the drop of a hat.
“Let them eat cake!”
Oops. Christie got there first. No cake left.
Christie was never on that beach just like he never closed the lanes on the George Washington Bridge.