What do you expect from the country which gave us Pope “Condoms cause AIDS”, whose church policies probably did more to cause death from AIDS than any politician.
Never hesitate to protest for your rights, whoever you are or wherever you live.
Republican politicians need to take note. What we are seeing in Poland is what would happen if Pence and company ever overturned Row v Wade.
Thousands turned out in Wroclaw on Monday to protest against the proposed near-total ban of abortion
leads to this:
Poland abortion: Parliament rejects near-total ban
You go, girls.
I hope those women went total Lysistrata on the d*ckheads who tried to legislate over their bodies.
A victory. But only a small one.
Wow! Talk about radical. They’d rather let a woman die than allow an abortion?? Criminally ridiculous in my view.
As if their abortion laws aren’t already punitive enough.
Evil, cowardly, dishonest.
Not really surprising for people who call themselves “Law and Justice”.