Discussion: After High-Profile Attacks, Houses Of Worship Struggle With Security

…Because we can’t propose anything sensible like not having military weapons designed to kill lots of people quickly in civilian hands…


Ammosexual Rethugliklans in Missouri (pronouced Misery) have just the solution to all of our security problems:

No OFF switch to the genius setting.


Seems they need an amendment. The thing ain’t very useful without ammunition, so shouldn’t the tax credit cover a few thousand rounds of ammunition annually, plus gun-range memberships, to ensure that the person can keep well trained?


Please forgive Rep. Andrew McDaniel from Deering, MO., he lives very close to Arkansas, and Cooter, MO.

And you forgot his handgun bill, so not only will I have buy an AK-47 I also have to buy a handgun.


Seems to me that Rep. Andrew McDaniel and any of his colleagues who have co-sponsored this bill need to be remanded to an institution for the severe mentally incapacitated.

This is the biggest tragedy of all.

If we must cower in fear in our Houses of Worship in this country then something very very precious is lost. This is an obscenity me and on the memory of ALL my immigrant ancestors.


The failure of 40 years of conservative government.

The elite don’t know.


Uh, it’s not a recent thing. Synagogues have had to deal with this kind of security balance for years.


I thought I read that he admitted that he wrote these bills in such extreme terms to get media attention, but plans to switch out with amended bills that don’t require ownership but establish tax credits for buying such guns. IOW, a gimmick to get people to go along with his real goal of tax payer subsidies for buying guns/gun profits for big gun.companies.

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You’re probably correct. The MO Republican party already has passed legislation some years ago that one doesn’t have to get a conceal weapons permit, or training for that manner, because it’s was just too expensive and burdensome.

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I will go to church as usual this morning. Both Christians and Jews worship in our building.

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Why don’t we start putting this into terms that Republican’ts can identify with? (And notice I didn’t say, “understand”; they are beyond that anymore.) This amounts to a giant Unfunded Government Mandate, a Burdensome Federal TAX on religious facilities, because of the federal government’s REFUSAL to Keep Americans Safe at the behest of Evil Special Interests; thereby, denying The American People their Freedom and Liberty to Worship without being gunned down by Murderous Thugs.

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I haven’t been to a church “service” in 30 years. This just adds another reason.

Missouri: The Shoot-Me-State.

The Tourism Agency must be thrilled.

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Apparently, one of the potential victims stopped the attacker by (if a pun can be forgiven in this tragic situation) charging him with a credit card machine. Obviously, “more guns” is not the only answer, and probably not the best answer.