Discussion: After A Tumultuous First Year As AG, Sessions, Trump Rarely Speak In Person

I hate to see (neo-Nazi) lovers (of white supremacy) quarrel.


One example that raised eyebrows: Sessions’ plan to confront the opioid crisis hews so closely to Trump’s that White House aide Kellyanne Conway was on hand in the Justice Department’s seventh-floor conference room when he announced it.

Now that’s interesting. KAC is the minder to ensure idiot-logical purity of message??! Who knew?

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Pretty sure KellyAnn is an end-times believing religious zealot.
Not surprised if she’s on board for anything else.


@centralasiaexpat According to Wikipedia she’s (still) a practicing Catholic; but who’s to say what’s infected her mind hanging around with all those right-to-lifers.

Plenty of Catholics are nutters.
I read something about her extreme religious beliefs, but I can’t recall the details.

@centralasiaexpat True that. I’ll have to look back at the New Yorker article on her several months ago. Those liberal muckrakers would have picked up that rock to peek under. :wink:

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Catholic leaders play politics too. It violates the separation of church and state, and soils their religion too. Whatever makes the most money I guess…

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@centralasiaexpat No signs of EOT nuttery in Ryan Lizza’s piece that I could see
( https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/17/kellyanne-conways-political-machinations ); but an interesting factoid jumped out at me - early on in her career she worked for Frank Luntz, so the alternative facts mumbo-jumbo is hardly new, or her own invention.

John Cornyn: “My comment to him was, as long as you’re doing the right thing, I don’t think you have anything to apologize for.”

Sessions was taken aback.

“Sorry, Jeff, I don’t know where that came from,” Cornyn shrugged, a moment later.


That’s not fair. We, the American people, have also had a tumultuous first year with Trump. How come he won’t stop speaking to us too?

Nobody … and I mean NOBODY …
can make a cookie that doesn’t leave crumbs in the bed —

I bet you Sessions regrets being the first Senator to endorse the Vaudeville MC President, giving up his safe Alabama Senate seat, conspiring with Russian Intelligence on Trumps behalf and lying under oath about it.

I love it when this unrepentant bigot, who used the Voting Rights Act to prosecute black voter registration activists when he was US Atty for Alabama, invokes his religious faith.

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Karma’s a cookie-gobbling bitch, Beauregard…