Discussion: After A Stressful Election, Many Thanksgiving Travelers Hoping To Leave Politics Behind

“I hope that people calm down and realize that a decision has been made by obviously a majority of the United States and that we can just come together and support him the way that we’re supposed to,” said Keller, who was at the New Orleans airport on her way to Boston to visit a friend.

I hope you get flagged by security for a full body search, resulting in a missed flight, a multi-day lay over and lost luggage.

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After A Stressful Election, Many Thanksgiving Travelers Hoping To Leave Politics Behind

Yeah, good luck with that.

“I hope that people calm down and realize that a decision has been made by obviously a majority of the United States and that we can just come together and support him the way that we’re supposed to,” said Keller

Well, yes, except that is completely false. Here are two true things:

  1. Of the people who voted for Clinton or Trump, a sizeable majority voted for Clinton. 2 million more votes (and counting) for Clinton. For people who made a choice, most chose Clinton.
  2. Of all the eligible voters in the United states, fewer than 29% voted for Trump. Not even close to “a majority of the United States” and - again - not even as many as voted for Clinton.

Item #1 is what keeps me sane during this dark time. Most people who expressed an opinion wanted our candidate to win.

As for Thanksgiving; I’m staying home this year due to reasons unrelated to the election, but since my entire family are gun-happy, white-nationalist-curious, Fox News-watching RWNJs, I’m not too upset that I’m going to miss the family dinner. My sister (the other sane one in the family) had the option, but declined to go.

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