Discussion: Afghan Officials: 'Mother Of All Bombs' Kills 36 ISIS Fighters

Behold the 22,000 lb ā€œGrand Slamā€ the Brits used against tactical targets in 1945 Germany. The explosives chemicals used today, of course, are more powerful, but the dropping of yuuuge 11 ton bombs has been done before. And from a real bomber, the Lancaster. And used against real targets of value. Not shoved out the rear end of a C 130.


So we spent millions of dollars to kill just 36 ISIS terrorist? Just 36?


Boom. Big bada boom.

Look at the newsreel, see how many little craters there were all around the target and none of them hit. That was the problem in WWII, you could dump hundreds of bombs on a target and never hit it, so you had a better chance of taking out the target with a big bomb. Even the Grand Slam was off target, two of them were total misses and the other one only took out the aqueduct due to the massive explosion. So today they put all the targeting accuracy in the bomb, rather than the bomber.

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when you have no credibility, due to something like continually lying/having no idea what you are talking about, even statements like ā€œno civilian causalitiesā€ carries no weight

something that big, with that huge of a blast radius, even in super remote locations, is likely to negatively impact untargeted entities

I lived in a very remote African mountain kingdom for two years, even when you thought there was nobody around for miles you would be startled to see someone standing 20 feet from you, coming out of seemingly nowhere, people are everywhere

Ate lunch today with faux news on half the tvs in the place. Sound was, thankfully, off but as soon as I saw the banner with ā€œdozensā€ I knew they were trying to make the ā€œsuccessā€ seem more than it was.

I just donā€™t get it. They dropped the Mother of all bombs, I mean the MOTHER of ALL bombs and they wiped out only 36.

I also read somewhere that this bomb was designed for surface assault and that there are better bombs for deep penetration of caves and tunnels.

Iā€™ve never used this acronym before, but itā€™s all Iā€™ve got: WTF?

Trumpā€™s war so far;

  1. Afghanistan Airstrike - 1 MOAB at $16 million. 36 enemy dead ($444,444 per enemy killed).
  2. Syrian Air Base strike - $94 million (59 Tomahawk missiles at $1.59 million each). No reliable reports of dead or injured (Syria claimed 6 dead). The airbase was operational within 8 hours after the strike.
  3. Seal Team Mission in Yemen - 1 Osprey destroyed - $70 million. 1 SEAL killed, 3 other US troops wounded, 10 civilians including children killed.Target not captured. Some intelligence gathered.

Estimated cost of US arms and equipment: $180,000,000
Results: 36 enemy dead (possibly more), 1 US soldier dead, 3 wounded, 10 civilians dead.

Assuming the Syrian report is correct, 42 enemy have been killed in strikes ordered by Trump. That works out to $5 million per enemy killed.


And a first strike on North Koreaā€¦ No man can say.

Expensive yes. The question is what were the 36 doing there? Just hanging out? Doubtful as the afgans were trying to get to them. So then how many lives would it take to kill these 36?

Look at it another way, how.much does it cost us to have the GOP in power? Is it worth it? No. But can we do away with government? No. So we continue to wast money hoping for a new day.

Letā€™s see: $10 million bomb Ć· 36 ISIS fighters = $277,777.778 per ISIS fighter killed. That means killing a handful of ISIS fighters still costs less than a single well-deserved golf weekend at Grift-a-Lotto ā€¦ including cake!

Now watch this drive.

Which two militant movements? Daesh & Taliban, Daesh & the Trump Error, or Taliban & the Trump Error?

Is Trumpā€™s war plan proving to be Americaā€™s path to bankruptcy?

A $48 Million dollar bomb plus operating costs to launch and it only kills 38 enemy combatants. Even Trump can see that isnā€™t going to workā€¦after all he has a great brain

At $ 1.3 M per kill, even the Federal reserve doesnā€™t have enough ink for Trimpā€™s planā€¦plus his $ 10 million weekends in Mar-a-Lago working on his chocolate cake in between golf swings!

Trump is an expert on spending other peopleā€™s money and bankruptcy.

$48 M is the total cost for one MOAB plus the cost of operations.

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This is completely OT, but I couldnā€™t find a better thread

It appears the bombs against Borussia Dortmund FC (one of the better German Soccer Clubs) could be a ā€˜false flagā€™ operation

But the three identical letters found near the scene - which said the attack was done ā€œin the name of Allahā€ - may be fakes, intended to pin the blame on radical Islamists.
The developments came to light when two German state broadcasters - NDR and WDR - together with the Suedeutsche Zeitung newspaper reported the study on Friday.
When asked to comment, state prosecutor Frauke Koehler agreed the media reports were ā€œaccurateā€.
They highlight that ā€œmany thingsā€ from the letters are ā€œuntypicalā€ for groups like so-called Islamic State (IS). These include a claim that sportspeople and other famous figures were in danger unless the Ramstein Air Base is closed and German warplanes withdrew from Syria.
IS normally does not negotiate in such a way, Mr Koehler added.
Anonymous security experts quoted in the Sueddeutsche piece (in German) say the text of the letters was likely written by a native German speaker who built in mistakes to make it look like it was written by someone for whom German was their second language.