Discussion: Advisor To Former KKK Leader Confirms He Invited Scalise To Speak

Discussion for article #231549

Scalise probably didn’t even know there was a Jewish question. Was that question multiple choice or essay?


Deny anyway!

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Now the White Nationalists are coming out strong to defend their guy in Congress.


“Now, at the time, I was a prominent person in state politics. I was on the radio, I was doing campaigns,” Knight said. “Steve knew who I was, but I don’t think he held it against me. He knew I lived by his street and that I was active in our community.”

I find it impossible to believe Scalise somehow didn’t know he was speaking to a supremacist group. Between the group’s name, his knowledge of his neighbor’s beliefs, literature and other images displayed, and the fact that David Duke was hosting the thing, he had to know he was getting in bed with white supremacists. I’m sure he thought he could appeal to these assholes and no one would notice. He just didn’t think he’d get caught or that it would come back to haunt him.


"Steve knew who I was, but I don’t think he held it against me.

Those drunken skin head parties can get kinda wild…

If Steve held it against David do you think they may have had a more intimate relationship?

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Sub cuculla…

Scalise and Knight were neighbors in Louisiana. Knight said,
“Steve was someone who I exchanged ideas with on politics.
We wouldn’t talk about race or the Jewish question.”

‘We wouldn’t talk about race or the Jewish question.’

How does a fully-formed mind even think in those terms-- much less utter them aloud?
How does Knight think that mentioning ‘the Jewish question’ in the context of an investigation helps Scalise?

This is effed-up on several levels. Wow.



Thank God the Irish question never came up…Or, the Scots, those bloody Scots!!!

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…In Domine erectus priapism…

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Let me understand this fully…

Scalise would rather be seen as a BRAINLESS OPPORTUNIST who doesn’t know who he’s speaking in front of at any given time…rather than RACIST WHORE what panders to white supremacists and takes their money.

Just how would he think either one of these alternatives was politically attractive?

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Though the Roman-Catholic question must’ve been kept under wraps…


I don’t have to go more than a mile to find an elderly, allegedly Bible-thumping Christian individual stage whispering “Catholic” to horrified friend about another person…

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Where just yesterday a tax-evading felon had to be ‘asked’ to ®esign from Congress?
Where his Staten Island constituents were fully aware of his indictment-- and likely impending conviction?
And they elected him anyway?

‘Brainless opportunist’ versus ‘racist whore’?
Better than convicted felon I suppose.

I guess we’ll find out-- by whether
Speaker Bonehead offers the Kiss of Death:
The ‘scheduled meeting’!



The dreaded Scarlet C!!!


Conservatives are such cowards and fear mongerers: they are afraid of gay people getting married or serving in the military; they are afraid of people getting a decent wage; they are afraid of poor folks getting health care; they are afraid of bringing terrorists to super max prisons in the US from which no one has ever escaped; they are afraid of the boy scouts letting gay kids in; they are afraid of everyone voting and are constantly suppressing the vote under some bogus voter fraud theory; they are afraid of letting students vote at their universities; they are afraid of women having the right to choose; they even are afraid of women getting contraception [the real issue actually is a women’s agency and control over their bodies]; they are afraid of mandating gun purchasers to undergo background checks for crazy people and terrorists; they are afraid of people smoking pot; they are afraid of climate change being real and contradicting their beloved Bible; they are afraid of legitimate campaign reform; they are afraid of Muslims; they are afraid of blacks; they are afraid of atheists; they are afraid of hippies; they are afraid of socialists; they are afraid of immigration reform leading to citizenship because they are afraid of-- name whatever reason; they are probably still afraid of monsters under their beds; they are just rank cowards and keep making things up to be afraid of…It all really boils down to one single fear: A fear that their special privilege as White Straight Christians is being threatened and they will no longer be more equal than the rest.

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
-Sinclair Lewis


Can you believe this shit? Next they are going to tell us that Scalise only learned to read and write in english after 2002!

…Scleaze was never accused of comprehending anymore than his lizard brain allows.

And the Welsh question!!

Taffy was a Welshman
Taffy was a thief
Taffy came to my house
And stole a side of beef