Discussion: Adelson-Backed Daily Gives Trump First Major Newspaper Endorsement

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Shorter version: Nobody actually knows what he will do, but he has the ® after his name, so let’s take a crap shoot with our future because I hate that chick.


… he promises to be a source of disruption and discomfort …

And that is the major problem with him being president as it is not the way to run a country.


And in related news that’s just as surprising, the Korean News Service in Pyongyang has endorsed Kim Jong-un.
~Oh…pinch me!~



It must have been tough for Shelly, choosing between Donald Trump, Ted Nugent, and Kim Jong-in. Decisions, decisions!
This is kind of like “Toilet Paper Monthly” endorsing diarrhea.


It’s an unsigned editorial, so it is supposed to represent the consensus of the editorial board. Given that Adelson replaced the entire board with his lackeys shortly after buying the paper, that might even be true.


So, they are supporting anarchy then? I am confused by that. The only thing that would stop him from tanking everything is the process itself is resistant to change and the SCOTUS would be slapping him down at every turn. He would probably call out senators by name and justices and then send angry tweets to allies…disrupt or!

I sure hope circulation drops after this endorsement.


Trump-supporting casino magnate Adelson secretly purchased the newspaper, which is Nevada’s largest, in December. While he said he would not influence coverage, a columnist resigned this spring after he was banned from writing about Adelson.

At least one columnist has a conscience. Adelson is as big a liar as Trump, and this endorsement pretty much settles that. Let him waste his money…


Adelson is also desperate to have someone in his pocket so that he can get away with a lot of illegal stuff. That’s why he’s been pouring a ton of money into the Senate race and why he bought up the papers so that he could counter the negative press that’s headed his way.


Lost Wages runs on disposable income. A good economy means more people have extra cash for glitzy hotel rooms, shows, pricey steaks, boutique shops, and the almost incidental casinos. Adelson’s board of geniuses contracted from ACME Personnel Inc., figures life in the Nevada desert will flourish just as soon as Mr. Trump gets the stock market back to six or seven thousand where Dubya left it.

Adelson only cares about two things and Trump has promised him he will do both;

  1. End the Justice Dept. investigation into Adelson’s mobbed-up casinos in China moving vast amounts of money though his Vegas casinos to launder it, and use it for illegal Political Donations.
  2. Bomb Iran (preferably with Nukes!)
    If there is anybody who embodies the absolute worst caricatures of greedy, money-grubbing, evil Jews, it’s Adelson.

Ewww Just Ewww
110 years old and still using hair color?


I seriously doubt that winning the presidency would help Trump “discover the power of humility.”


Reached in his subterranean lair at Gringott’s Bank, Mr. Adelson had no comment…


He has that desperate feel of someone facing his mortality trying to buy the mitzvahs he didn’t live during his life. Sadly he doesn’t seem to get that each ill-gotten dollar he sends to Israel is tainted, and shows his desperation to redeem himself.


The newspapers “Editorial Board Members” made the endorsement. What a load of crap. Bibi Ayom’s US Edition endorses whoever Adelson prefers. He is going to make Rupert Murdoch look like a traditional, unintrusive Media owner.


I’m sure it makes him feel sexy.

Well somebody knows what side his bread is buttered on.