Oh FFS, he even lies about how many floors are in his building. Is there anything he doesn’t lie about? That’s a rhetorical question btw.
Hamster hands lies about the size of everything.
Our Democracy is threatened because a man can’t cope with his little penis. Read this and tell me it doesn’t describe Donald Trump to a tee!
Well, since Malaria was the architect, something must have been lost in translation.
Elevate me, Malaria!
As per usual, Donald Trump can’t get it up all the way.
Even if it were the size it claims it would still be incredibly ugly.
Is there nothing he won’t lie about? Show us your taxes Donnie.
Surprised it isn’t 666 feet tall…
Oh please, there are plenty of things to go after Trump on, this is not one of them. As the article even says, this is common practice in NYC. People do not relate to “feet” in height well. And the reality is that a building with 30 floors can be taller than one with 40 when the lower floors are very high (many times the equivalent of 3 “stories” in most buildings). If someone sees a condo for sale on the 3rd floor, they might pass because they want something higher off the street, not realizing that for that structure it is really the same as about the 11th floor in most buildings.
And the practice of not having 13th floors due to superstitious people not wanting to buy on a 13th floor is also very common.
How about we focus on real issues. I’d be more interested in who backs the financing on his hotels, and pays him money to then use his name (licensing agreements). Likely lots of Russian and Chinese backing, and that would show up in what are called tax returns. That’s a real issue, not how real estate is commonly marketed in NYC.