Discussion: Activists Sound Alarm On FL Lawmakers’ Attempt To Defang Felon Voting Amendment

ex-felons can’t vote until they reimburse the “cost of supervision” and other payments associated with their conviction.

Can you say “poll tax”? I knew you could.


Lawmakers’ Attempt To Defang Felon Voting Amendment

“Defang”? Say what? They’re ex-felons, not the Nosferatu.


The felons you elected are blocking your citizen’s wishes. Same thing happening in the Idaho GOP-ruled leg- Idaho citizens passed a Medicaid expansion but their elected ‘officials’ are blocking it.

Basically it’s hard to find a red state that actually represents their citizens. Of course, the stupid red citizens just go along with it.


GOP: “But it’s not fair…we carefully created a racist criminal justice system to get rid of voters who don’t vote for us and you’re messing it all up!!!”


The latest example that fear is a powerful drug.


from Wikipedia

in 1996, 65% of Arizona voters approved Proposition 200, a drug policy reform initiative containing a provision allowing the use of cannabis with a doctor’s prescription.[1] The medical cannabis portion of the initiative was then essentially repealed by state legislators a few months later,[2] but the change was rejected by voters in a 1998 veto referendum (Proposition 300).[3] Ultimately the medical cannabis provision was ineffective, however, due to language that created significant conflict with federal law (use of the word “prescribe” instead of “recommend”)

I remember this so well because I worked on the original initiative which was passed by 65% of the people who voted, and then the legislature simply overturned it. We did not get medical marijuana in AZ until 2010.

This is the basic difference between the parties - Democrats actually believe in democracy, but Republicans are ideologues who always think their beliefs should be law no matter how the majority votes. If they can’t out advertise it, they will over turn it, and if they can’t overturn it, they will file a hundred lawsuits against it. They have been doing this for years, but in the last decade it has become absolutely scripted see Wisconsin legislative reversal of voters- plus myriad others too numerous to mention).

They apparently feel they have the right to undo all democratically chosen laws and regulations because they can. They have been throwing out norms right and left for a long time - Donald Trump is just the logical result. And now that they are stacking the judiciary a lot faster than you and I can vote, I have a terrible pessimism about the ability of our “democracy” to overcome these trends.


A cost imposed by the state. Double irony.
24th Amendment nixed payment of “any poll tax or other tax” but appears restricted to federal elections.
I wonder if the legislature even has a legal argument here.

Boy, the GOP sure is anti-democratic.


Russ-thuglicans hates Republic form of Democracy!

So who is the current florida supreme court. Because insofar as this is a matter of the state constitution, they’re in charge. If it goes the the feds, 5-4 anti-ex-cons, of course.

As we all predicted.

Nullify the explicit statement by voters if it is contrary to Power.

Its what fascists do.

Fascists. They are fascists.

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As far as I know only in Kansas did it reach the breaking point of revolt, when implementing the right-wing fantasy started tearing down the state economy.

Republicans don’t want ex-felons to vote? Passing strange, given how many Republicans are future ex-felons.


Thanks. That was the word I was looking for…

These Republican proposals should trigger ex post facto and poll tax constitutional prohibitions.