Discussion: Activists Cry Foul As Texas Officials Say 95,000 Non-Citizens On Voter Rolls

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Texas GOP “officials” are nervous their state may soon elect statewide Democrats, and are making up excuses to continue minority rule.


I’ll believe that Voter ID folks are voicing real concerns the same day that they support one unified National ID card issued to all citizens, akin to those used in most civilized nations.


Just curious here, but do you have to be a pig-headed racist pos to serve on a jury in Ft. Worth or is just a preferable option?


Texass will continue on this road until the people stand up and stop them. Fat chance that will happen…


First of all, you know they only screened Hispanic surnames, there won’t be an Anglo name in the bunch. Then a Juan N. Martinez who has a green card in Wichita Falls is alleged to be Juan A. Martinez legally registered to vote in Presidio. And so on. They pulled the same caging shit in Florida with felon names to throw the 2000 election.


Let me guess, they are “suspected” of being non-citizens based on the fact that they have surnames like Montoya and Gonzalez?


Just as Madison Avenue branded Pork the " the New White Meat" in the 1980s, the Dixiecrat -FOX-GOP has branded Ken Paxton “the New Kris Kobach,” now that their message on non-existent voter fraud has suffered with Kobach’s descent into abject laughingstock. Paxton will also become a laughingstock. He may become the next Texas Governor in the meantime. But that is ok because the last 3 Texas governors have all been national laughingstocks either before or immediately after their terms as governor.


So, speaking of “prosecution where appropriate,” when does Paxton go on trial? And of course they are targeting those with Spanish surnames. Bigots and criminals, all around.




I agree and have been subject to some of the same type of shit just trying to get a drivers license in TN when I retired. I’m white/male and 73. The state uses software to check your name against a number of other states to see if you have a DL from one of them. They check just the name, no other info, so you can place easy bets that there will be hits. A hit locks the computer so even while you wait for the name to clear at HQ, not locally, others can’t get their business taken care of. Then only one hold can be cleared per visit. Since the office is open only every other Tuesday from 10-2PM you can imagine all the return visits. I was flagged as having a DL in states I have not even driven through. I had the feeling of NYC deja-vu when years ago they were putting holds on DL renewals for unpaid “parking” tickets issued in the city for vehicles that had not been close. I was hit with such a hold when I lived in Seattle.

I can see someone getting hit in this TX clusterfuck multiple times who has a very common name such as Juan, Jim, Maria, or such. They then are also looking at over 20 years of records, think about someone getting their name selected 20 times or once per year checked. That 95,000 will melt away very very very quickly once someone without a political agenda gets the list. Think of the KS list of some thousands of “illegal” votes that ultimately was reduced to under 30 out of some 3,500,000 votes cast. Another REPUG crisis in search of ____________.


Is it just me, or does this announcement seem rather fishy, in terms of substance and timing?


And importantly, the voter ID is provided for free. And the offices providing the voter IDs work off hours as well, on weekends, and late into the evening.


Yeah, but one of those guys became president and then enabled a bunch of war profiteers & deranged cold-Warriors to commit war crimes while he was busy pursuing an artificial vendetta in a misguided attempt to make his daddy proud of him.

So, I guess I do care whether another deeply flawed simpleton moves into the governor’s mansion, because that could bring us one step closer to a raft of horrific and shameful national sins.

If only W’s ambition had been derailed by a drinking problem or drugs…


Yup. And standardized within the nation, so it’s a solid match for the person.

Why, it’s almost like those Voter ID folks don’t actually want to be certain that each citizen is correctly identified so that their vote is counted…


Honestly, I am a little surprised they didn’t wait until the last minute to pull this. That has been a frequent tactic: kick up the dust so close to the election that there isn’t time for reasonable folks to clear the air before voting takes place.

It makes me wonder whether this con is somehow more elaborate, better-planned, or a trial balloon planted well enough in advance that the perpetrators will be able to refine or pivot in time for 2020. After all, McConnell’s gotta defend his seat this time around, and I fully expect Koch and Adelson and Mercer to pull out all the stops to keep his hands wrapped around the neck of this country.


They have three weeks to try to change the direction of the wall discussion. (Friday was a pretty brutal loss on that front.)



Yeah it’s just building a bureaucratic meatgrinder to chew up and conflate names six ways to Sunday, until it takes legal discovery to sort out who is who, case by case and having to surmount all kinds of administrative obstacles. Meanwhile an election intervenes and the “suspect” names are only allowed provisional votes which get tossed in the round file. It’s a localised variant of the fascist theory of chaos which FatNixon has mastered, the only thing he’s actually good at. Crowd out info with bullshit to tie up resources sorting it all out, while the clock is ticking.