Discussion: Activist With ALS Tells Congress: 'GoFundMe Is A Terrible Substitute' For Gov't Action

I’m amazed and humbled by the courage and determination displayed by heroic citizens like Ady. I’m also amazed at how much suffering needs to be endured before even a few people rise up against the greed and cruelty that’s holding back this entire country.




I saw elsewhere someone state that our health “care” system is working exactly as designed. It was never meant to take care of patients. It has always been about profit.


Ady Barkan is a better American patriot than any 100 Republicans you’d care to name.

His courage and fortitude are an inspiration.


Shame on America. This is 2019 for crying out loud.


Well, sure it’s a terrible substitute. You’re supposed to die, and free up resources for job creators.

It’s the Circle of Hyper Capitalism.


Here in America, he noted, healthcare is not a right. And THAT, I note, is the fundamental problem.


Nancy Pelosi does not support Medicare for all.

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Every time I see a donation box or a benefit concert or an online appeal to pay for someone’s medical care I don’t think “Oh, how heartwarming and community-minded.” I think “How fscked are we as a country that people have to do this.”


One trick ponies be one-trickin’…

And seriously…you’re just phoning it in now. You should at least be amusing by getting all hair-on-firey about it. Dance, clown, dance!


Explaining that even with “comparatively good private health insurance,” his family had relied on family, friends and supporters to pay $9,000 monthly for home care

I hope you caught that the alternative was to go on Medicare and go away from his home and family into a care facility. Do you have any idea what such facilities would charge Medicare?

Oy. And vey!


Well this is not really true. She supports affordable healthcare for all Americans and she thinks we should strengthen ACA and if the end that leads to Medicare for All she has no problem with it. And I quote: “Show me how you think you can get there,” she told the Post. “We all share the value of health care for all Americans – quality, affordable health care for all Americans. What is the path to that? I think it’s the Affordable Care Act, and if that leads to Medicare for All, that may be the path.”


Did the Republicans tell him to have his Preacher anoint him in oil and have the church elders pray over him to be healed?

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Those alternatives are paid by Medicaid—not Medicare.

People in nursing homes are the single biggest Medicaid expense.


Ady Barkan is a true mensch. He works so hard to try and improve our crappy healthcare system.


And it LITERALLY requires you to impoverish yourself, including a 3 years look-back period during which any transfers of assets or money could potentially make you ineligible for a period of time or permanently. You’re not allowed to give everything away to the kids a year before applying and then get your Medicaid. You basically have to spend yourself dry on medical expenses first.

No fucking way does the white Christian hegemony want your wealth being inherited and your children competing with theirs when it can instead be recycled into the system and given to them via tax cuts.


My bad.

Medicare, Medicaid … Being old I’m on the “care” and, so far, I’ve never met anyone who actually understands it — including people in the Social Security office. (An actual exchange: Me: I don’t think anyone understands this. Her: We’re not supposed to.)


The ACA did not change that at all.
Over 5,000 percent overnight drug price increases are allowed under the ACA. Insulin has tripled since 2009.
I found out a little over a year ago that an old friend I talked to only every year or two died because of insulin rationing,
I could no longer cheer the ACA after looking into the crazy drug price increases it allowed in order to get the drug companies on board. Sure they went up before, but they went into overdrive after it passed. The EpiPen costs spiked like crazy after the ACA passed. Just one example out of many.

In Minnesota,going on Mn Sure under the ACA meant they could put a lein on your estate for the cost of your subsidized insurance payments. Even if you never went to the doctor once. they could charge your estate for the cost of your ACA subsidized insurance. Republicans in Minnesota changed the law in 2016.


Only in America. (I’ve seen magazine articles about how to use GFM most effectively to raise money for your health issue. That alone speaks volumes.)

But we’re #1!!!