Discussion: Acting AG Whitaker Wrote Op-Ed Suggesting Mueller Probe Went Too Far

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And that would be a clear conflict-of-interest with respect to oversight of the Mueller probe. Do we really think Whittaker will recuse himself?

Just announced on MSNBC that Rod Rosenstein is on his way to the White House for a “previously scheduled meeting.”

“Saturday Night Massacre” any one?



So Trump fired Sessions and just took Rosenstein off the Mueller Investigation.

“Trump installed Matt Whitaker, chief of staff at the Justice Department, as acting attorney general and put him in charge of the Russia probe led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to a U.S. official. Whitaker, who has been a critic of the Russia probe, now has the power to fire Mueller or curb his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.”



In slow motion? We’ll know after the meeting.

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Whitaker and any Republican helping Trump are fucking dirty traitors. And they need to be locked up forever.

I don’t give a shot anymore… these traitors better pay…


IANAL but it seems to me that even if Whittaker follows through and restricts the scope of the special counsel probe to Trump and the Trump Campaign’s involvement with the Russians, there’s a LOT there. And Mueller has passed other issues to SDNY and, I think, NY and VA, where they can be pursued in any case.

Mueller is no dummy and he’s had plenty of warning on the impending shakeup. I believe he has his ducks in a row. I sure hope so.


Ah…but whitaker was never cleared by the senate for a leadership post in the DOJ…So he cant even be an “acting” director…opps


I believe that you are absolutely correct. Under the law, any temporary appointee to a Cabinet post must be someone already confirmed by the Senate for an Executive Appointment post.


Read how this could be played out basically sessions firing could signal or confirm trumps “content” to obstruct justice…along with his comments and actions hes taken when sessions reclused himself…



In slow motion?
Is Rosenstein walking to the White House?

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Crawling, backwards.

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I’m sure the House Majority Leader (whoever that may be) would LOVE to have Mr. Mueller over to the House for a nice cup of tea.


Mueller has been invited to the Saudi consulate’s office


Whitaker sounds like a hack. What did he promise Trump to get the appointment? Or are his previous remarks sufficient to gain Trump’s trust? How much of his reputation, such as it is, is he willing to throw in the dumpster? So many questions…


It seems to be that since Kavenaugh we’ve crossed a new line where clearly-partisan hacks are being forcibly-installed in acts of brazen political vandalism, Not a peep from the Senate overseers as its all good for them and phew, they just got a 2 year waiver from having to pay a price for their dereliction of duty and complicity in treason.


Every fascist thug like Trump needs his team of Eichmanns like this asshat.


The acting attorney general specifically sympathized with the plight of former Trump campaign chairman and Svengali to Ukrainian oligarchs Paul Manafort. After the FBI conducted a dawn raid on Manafort’s Alexandria condo, Whitaker asked rhetorically “Do we want our Gov’t to ‘intimidate us? Hmm.”

I am having a very hard time believing that a former federal prosecutor has never ever done anything to intimidate someone in the course of an investigation/prosecution.


Sure, I believe, one of the first moves will be to fire Mueller. Not sure if it would have any effect at this time as indictments and prosecutions are underway, can those be squashed without a charge of interference. Then again it would not surprise me that everything or near everything has been transferred to states like NY in some form of evidence sharing. May also be some form of auto release of documents if they do fire him. Additionally any move to fire is sure to trigger charges on judicial interference which would pass mustard with the current makeup of Congress but with only a few weeks before the new Congress is sworn in would just insure immediate investigations. That would mean the only recourse tRump and company would have left is to ask the rubber stamp Supremes to allow them to skate. Each move makes it clearer and clearer that there is something to hide, eventually people will get pizzed enough documents show up on newsrooms doors and made public. Even if that would mean a follow up with investigations and whistleblower indictments the info would be out. Once out even the diehards will question. For sure any corporate backing would evaporate, corporations may like the inside power and prestige but they also know who buys their products, then bye bye The Dumpster.

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