Discussion: Acquitted Navy SEAL: Jury Didn't Convict Me Even If They Didn't Believe Me

Discussion for article #235017

Cost him “seven figures?” Didn’t know there could be more than 2 figures after the decimal point. Must be one of those currency exchange calculators that carry everything out to 8 digits.


There’ll probably be a GoFundMe account set up for him by the Blaze by the end of the day.


So the jury believes this moron rather than the police? The prosecution took lessons form the OJ trial?

Well, like OJ, this guy is going to meet up with karma one day.


Military Affairs Adviser to the Cruz campaign?

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One more fine example of white privilege. Receiving the benefit of the doubt.


Jury’s give the “serviceman” the benefit of the doubt because if he is a serviceman he has to be a good guy unless he’s black or brown however.


“Ex-SEAL Relieved Jury Acquitted Him Of Lying About Being Shot By 3 Black Men”

"“What bothered me was there was no gun, no blood, no bullets. Nobody
heard anything and that kind of swayed me towards the state,” the
anonymous juror told newsnet5.com. “There was some doubt. His attorney
was very good.”

" His attorney
was very good."

Here in the metro area NY/NJ this man would have went to jail.


Believe me when I say the only thing that would have happened
to this man where he claims he was shot----was being run over by
a vegan in a Prius. He’s a liar.


So far I am unimpressed with these so=called super soldiers - all braun and no brains as far as I am concerned. After reading about the guy portrayed in the American Sniper movie that thankfully bombed at the Oscars, and the other assholes who lied about their roles in the Osama Bin Laden capture, they are nothing but killers who have found a legal place to do practice their craft.


Acquitted by a jury of his peers?

What does that mean?

12 Angry Racists?


Well, I still have to wonder about taking a guy suffering from PTSD and extreme paranoia, to a gun range. And texting back and forth that he and his buddy think the guy is nuts AND dangerous (cause, I am sure that did wonders for his paranoia sitting in the back seat).

“Hey, maybe we should go bowling, or perhaps go to a golf range instead”

“Na, screw that crap. This crazy guy needs to hear more loud guns go off while holding a loaded one. What could possibly go wrong??”


Because guns are the answer to everyone’s problems.

Next headline: Jury Convicts 3 Black Men Of Shooting Ex-SEAL, Even If They Didn’t Believe Him.


Yes, BinLadin was murdered. I am OK with that. Getting him out of there alive would have jeopardized the lives of those who were in the operation. This is one time when I am completely on board with capital punishment.

Yes there was not a trial, but neither was there one for the innocents who died on 911, and BinLadin not only admitted his culpability; he bragged about it.

Those who were a part of that operation should never have spoken about it publicly.


So, what? Now, all of a sudden we’re not afraid to question the cops, even though there was no proof whatsoever this little circus played out the way Doofy here claims it did?

Chris Heben is an acquitted liar.

Isn’t this the guy that wrote the fabrications about the Benghazi attack too?


How many Black men does it take to shoot an ex-SEAL? 3. 1 to shoot him, another to wipe up all traces they exist and a third to recite the incantation that transports them to another realm and evade capture.

Occam’s Tactical Knife says negligent discharge to his own abdomen and shitty story manufactured for the cops while attempting to seek emergency medical assistance.


They need some small children or anyone with a better imagination than this ahole. Couldn’t they just contact the screen writer’s guild or something?

Imagine if the Chinese (or whoever) CIA sent a team into the US and killed one of their “Terrorists” without informing “The Authorities”, then jumped into their chopper and bolted to Mexico.

The American apoplectic outrage would be off the charts.