Discussion: ACLU: Gov’t Wants ‘Complete Record’ On Some Anti-Trump Facebook Accounts

We all have that. It’s not a question of whether we hate Trump but of how we handle that.

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He was voted in by those who want him to be a Fascist, a WHITE FASCIST.


“They” are very afraid.

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Wanna have a chill run down your spine? Imagine if Sessions’ justice dept succeeded in getting the records of all traffic here.

I’m 99% certain that Josh would never release it but, yeah, free speech and candid critique let alone the very act of { gasp } reading.


True conservatives would say there’s no right to privacy in the Constitution. They seem to be running things for the moment.

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This is search and seizure. Covered under the Fourth Amendment which was created to prevent precisely this sort of rummaging.


Show us your tax returns and we’ll show you our Facebook accounts.


This is intimidation. They know that going after LGBTQ is going to take an emotional toll on many people who go to that site. Some who are closeted. Some who haven’t told parents or family members. Whether or not the names ever came out, it doesn’t matter. The fear will still be there. Exactly what are they going to do with that data? I really do not trust this administration to be honorable in any situation. I wouldn’t trust them with my goldfish.

And vote. And make sure people in your state where there is gerrymandering that their VOTES didn’t count. That the small number of Republican votes were enough to elect a Republican when a large number of Democrats voted. That should be illegal. It should be considered unconstitutional. It should certainly be an ongoing story.