Discussion: ACLU: Gov’t Wants ‘Complete Record’ On Some Anti-Trump Facebook Accounts

To me, the extent isn’t even a factor. Secretly grabbing the personal information of anyone who Liked a proposed protest and putting them on an enemies list is disturbing even if 100 people went wild and burned down half the town afterwards.


Bhu-bhu-bhut I thought our rights were safe! Especially our protest rights, which were secured for all time by the military (you know, those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they snatched our rights back from saddam and the taliban*, removing the rights from the caves where they were being held after being kidnapped on 9/11) - which is why it’s naughty to kneel during the national anthem.

*Both of whom donnie would have admired if they’d happened to be white and christian - I can just hear him calling them “strong”.


Compared to an illegal search and creation of an enemy’s list (a la Nixon) that riot ain’t much. The people who read a facebook page…just read the page and nothing more … and others who posted a comment are under this warrant having their computer records searched. That’s not cool at all. Apparently commenting and /or reading comments against trump is now reason to investigate someone. That is not cool at all and should bother all of us.


Not sure why the lecture. I think I said that already…? Only thing I ever disagreed with was the suggestion that the event itself never happened.

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I, for one, refuse to shut up. I do not support donald j trump. I do not respect him (tho I deeply respect the office…but not the man). He’s a bloated libertine with no manners or human empathy. he is a goddamned fascist. he does not understand or care to understand what it is to be a free American. He hates his own people (I’m thinking of Puerto Rico).


Guess we got our wires crossed while commenting. Sorry if I stepped on toes.
Seems I have developed a visceral and very strong dislike of trump. It’s worse than my 40+ years of hating Nixon. Generally I am willing to give someone a chance but this guy has long since worn out his welcome at Chez darr.


Link for those interested: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/09/victory-doj-backs-down-facebook-gag-orders-not-so-secret-investigation?page=6


They certainly seem to have charged many more people with rioting than actually rioted. This is a support group for the charged and their lawyers. Lots of good, admittedly biased info: http://www.dclegalposse.org/


Everything we suspected and feared but even worse.


The gagorder is removed but the warrant and the swiping of information from innocent people who committed no act worse than placing a “like” on a facebook page remains. 6000 people at a minimum have had their data scarfed up by DoJ . Will they be charged as criminals for a “like” on a facebook page?



The Orange Shit-Stain must be removed. HE MUST BE REMOVED. And his whole fsck-tard posse with him.

I want to be on his “enemies list.” It will be a matter of personal shame if I don’t end up there.


I suspect this is really about scaring little old ladies (like my sainted mother) into toning down the redistribution of anti-Trump meme cards. They can’t possibly believe any of this will hold in any court. This is about intimidating users.


But Russian Anti-American FB accounts are okay.


First they came for Facebook users, and I said nothing, because I didn’t use Facebook.

Then they came for Twitter users, and I said nothing, because I didn’t use Twitter.

Then they came for TPM users – and plucky ripped 'em a sorry new one before they even knew what hit 'em.


Damn straight. The Orange Neo-Fascists may be immune to irony… but our scathing sarcasm will leave them squirming in discomfort, and petrafied in the profound fear that they don’t even understand why they are being laughed at.


Attacks on the 1st amendment eliciting crickets from the MSM:

J20 Arrests and persecution.
Juggalos labeled a gang (Obama Justice Department).
Legalizing striking protesters with cars (state laws).
Militarizing the police (Bush, Obama, Tiny Fingered Vulgarian).
Attacks on protesters by the cops at Standing Rock, Charlottesville, St. Louis, Ferguson, etc.
Police suing protesters to cover the cost of illegally crushing dissent.
Telesur, Abby Martin, RT-America and Sputnik Radio are bad for 'merikkka but Faux and Sinclair are OK
Government equating minor property damage by a few “violent” protesters with violent counter-attacks and illegal detention by the cops against protesters.
Thomas Drake, John Kiriakou, Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, Shami K. Leibowitz, Jeffrey Sterling, Chelsea Manning: whistle blowers charged with espionage under Obama.

Drip, drip, drip goes the erosion of the first amendment.


That’s what I’d like to know. Richard Spencer got punched in the face twice that day - is that the riot they mean? I don’t recall riots - I thought it was the biggest most wonderfullest incrediblest fantasticest inauguration ever.

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I wouldn’t bet on it.

This isn’t new. We’ve been here a lot of times, most notably with Nixon; most recently with Darth Cheney.

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Nothing more than a logical extension of the “If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear” doctrine that some many people used to justify the 4th Amendment incursions of the Patriot Act.

Nope, just charged as co-conspirators of, or accessories to, the handful of cretins who caused the property damage.

Remember when the GOP congress imposed sanctions on Russia- and included language preventing Trump from revoking the sanctions? Congress, if it has the backbone, CAN thwart Trump.

There’s 9 or 10 ways we can fix this:

Go to the Post Office and buy a stack of plain, pre-paid postcards at 38 cents each. Make a list of your House Rep’s and Senators’ addresses. The US Congress may not log all e-mails or phone calls (they probably keep a running talley) and phones are usually answered by volunteers or interns. A sealed letter can be held up while it is checked for anthrax or whatever but postcards sail right thru and they’ll have a handwritten hard copy of your opinions. At 38 cents you can send a lot of opinions they have to deal with.

Run for office- the 2018 elections are only 13 months away, and if Trump and Louie Gohmert can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate?

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump and half of eligible voters stayed home last November. Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.

Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, then we’ll redraw Congressional Districts. Get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST!

Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one.
Overturn any voter ID laws the are clearly an attempt to disenfranchise.