Discussion: ACLU: Georgia's Refusal To Give Food Stamps To Syrian Refugees Raises 'Constitutional Questions'

Discussion for article #243695

Gov. Nathan Deal ÂŽ

Well, there you go.

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Huckabee: This is Lord Jesus’s call. Obama is nothing compared to Jesus.No free food/shelter to refugees/terrorists.
Cruz: They should go to Canada. It sheltered my father and paid for my birth. Everything is free over there.


“You must not mistreat or oppress foreigners in any way. Remember, you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt.” --Exodus 22:21


Josh thanks a lot for posting the story about State Rep Susan DeLemus (R-Moonbat) of New Hampshire claiming she had nothing to do with politics until she was inspired by Big Door. I love that story.

Can you post the story where Carly Fiorina gets grilled by Chris Cuomo over her anti-abortion ‘outrage’? Fiorina looks like she wants to fire his ass if not have him murdered.

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Huckabee: Nice Try. They are not foreigners but terrorists. Republican Jesus tells me to kill them and that is the only Jesus I have known all my life.


Every single one of the Teabaggers who voted for Deal claims to be a fiscal conservative. Every damn one. Where does that fiscal conservativism go when it comes to how much money goofy ‘points’ like this end up costing us?

Most Xians would argue that the New Testament supercedes the OT, even though they ignore Jesus’s messages in the NT.

I know, it’s a stupid rationale and so are they.


Didn’t Jeeezus say that not a jot or tittle of the Word in the Old Testament was going to change? I thought he said that somewhere

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Lil’ Nate must have expected hand embroidered, gold leaf, embossed “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” invitations from Obama letting him know the vetted refugees were arriving.

$100 says the required Georgia authorities and agencies were given proper, timely notice of all this. Deal is lying or willfully uninformed.

The New Testament supercedes the Old one.

Huh…So now they put their Book on the same level as the expiration date on a Subway coupon.

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Xians… go figger.

It’s not that the federal government doesn’t trust you with basic knowledge, it’s that you can’t comprehend basic information. Way to improve the image of the south.


Deal’s gonna lose on this. He’s just grandstanding long enough to get as many wingnuts on board as he can, and rally the base for the next election down-ballot. I hope this costs his State dearly, and they see where his obstinacy and defiance has cost the taxpayers of Georgia a pretty unnecessary penny to defend. Maybe next time they won’t go for reactionary assholes making ineffectual rules at their expense. Its a family of three refugees for heaven’s sake. THREE!!

Fucking pigheaded bigot.

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I’m trying to figure out what bugs me the most about these guys.

  1. Reflexive dishonesty
  2. Fake humility

I wish TPM would’ve used this 58 second video link of the Susan DeLemus rant: https://twitter.com/Eugene_Scott/status/674947367003639808

She really is over the top.
Edit: One has to click on the speaker icon on lower right for audio.

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Shit. Deal can’t even get a seat at the Yahtzee table.

No kidding. DeLemus is so crazy that even the shithouse rats can’t control her.

Deal is an even lazier, more incompetent asshole than his predecessor, Perdue. Sadly though, GA politics has stepped way back in time to the good ol’ boy networking as the republican party took over, and that is precisely the sort of know nothing bigot they like.

Perdue prayed for the end of a drought once, because God knows that putting a moratorium on the overdevelopment in North Atlanta wouldn’t do anything. Likewise Deal prayed for the snow not to come that caused 8 hour + delays for people, stranding school children on buses, because God knows that actually preparing for 1" snowfalls wouldn’t do anything.

But hate on some brown people? Oh, they are all over that. Have been for decades.

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Actually, Deal and Perdue are a symptom of Teabaggers who don’t believe that government can do ANYTHing except hurt people. So best to do NOTHING.

If these guys had been in charge 70-some years ago, the west coast would be speaking Japanese today.

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