Discussion: ACLU Asks SCOTUS To Delay Ruling In Census Citizenship Question Case

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This is a good move by the ACLU, and in a law case it really should work so the SC is only invoked once the rest of the legal process has worked out. If the question can still be added up to October, then there is no reason for them to push it through. And, the evidence is pretty damning…a verbatim paragraph cannot appear coincidentally in another document, it has to have been sent along in some way, and it’s really important in this case that the process is understood. The entire process really is based on a racist premise to grow Republican party power, and if the SC lets the process stand they will be turning their back on the Constitution as well as fair elections and ethical government. The ACLU just let the SC know that those are the consequences if they charge ahead instead of evaluating the process properly…the question remains if the Republican judges will do their duty or follow the will of the party to win elections at any cost.


I believe in football this is called a Hail Mary pass, good luck ACLU the SCOTUS should not issue a decision but there is a 99% chance they will regardless of the fact that the record from the lower court is not complete.

“Bill. Get Squee and Timmy on the phone. They 'em they can’t let the Treasurer wimp out. Tell 'em everybody will get a free lifetime membership at Mar-a-Lago providing Bretty Crybaby comes through on this. It’s a world class resort, the best in the world.”

I suspect some restrictions will apply.

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I believe the consequences you speak of should include packing the court. At least one extra Justice for each one Trump submitted.


This can come across as somewhat arbitrary - I like to proposal to expand the Supreme Court to include one Justice for each appellate court (13). Nice, clean and justifiable…

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I’m curious about how the census was done in the early years. Were slaves and new immigrants counted, for example? This question might have bearing on how some members of SCOTUS would vote. Anybody know?

What I can’t help wondering is why they think they only represent citizens. Why count children if they aren’t voters? Representation is for ALL individuals who live in the district/state be they citizens are not. Government actions effect everyone, citizen or not. Non-citizens utilize the roads, schools, judicial system and so forth. It has become obvious that the current occupant of the White House doesn’t feel he has any obligation to represent any one in this country except “his people”. That is not who America is. Our President should feel responsibility for all living in the U.S.

“Congress represents the people of the United States. Members serve their Constituents, the people who live in the district from which they are elected.”

Republicans once again proving they know their intolerance 19th century
ideas, and agenda for the rich can’t win are using every underhanded
trick in the book to game the voting system to again unfairly win. Add
this too clever by 2 sneaky citizenship question to Gerrymandering,
voter roll purging, etc. The perfect pairing the Republican Party and
their President, Despicable Donny the most incompetent, ignorant,
intolerant, treacherous, and corrupt President in U S history. You all
deserve a good old fashioned public horse whipping for your treachery.

They can’t delay. It’s June. The drop-dead date for forms printing is in June, and the SCOTUS ends its term soon. The ACLU is cynically trying to run out the clock, and retain the lower court failed, flawed, incorrect, idiotic, and stupid rulings.

Do not delay, SCOTUS. Reinstate the citizenship question. The citizenship question was on the Census every year from 1790 - 1950.

Well, since that is simply wrong, what I can’t understand is why you wrote it. The citizenship question simply asks “Are you a USA citizen?” It counts everyone. All residents of the USA, citizen or not, are to fill out the census.

The amount of incorrect, inaccurate, plain old wrong, and maliciously stupid comments on this issue is very high. The question will determine how many citizens there are. Of course, Democrats have been politicizing this issue from Day 1 for a simple reason:

Dems want to get as many illegals into the USA as possible. The OPEN-BORDERS DEMODUMMY policy is cynical. And the self-fulfilling prophecy that “the question will decrease response” is simply a guess. But if Dems have their way, it will diminish response.

Uh, no, the Democrats do not want to get illegal aliens into the nation to vote…that’s a well known lie, and it’s shameful to continue to present it. There is essentially no fraud in the voting process, people just don’t go in and vote as another person. What is fraudulent is the reasoning behind the citizenship question, which we now know because of Hoefeller’s documents…the Republicans are pushing the citizenship question solely to increase their power. Census scientists clearly stated that the citizenship question makes the count less accurate, and undercounts non-Republican constituencies…if you really want an accurate count then you must be against it, anyone for it obviously is pushing for Republican power at the cost of our democracy.

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I’m envisioning a comment board full of posters whose jaws are dropped down to about their navels.

Nice try, but you got a deaf man on the line. Chances are he’ll tell you all over again why he’s right and you’re wrong.

Since the crap that is served up as argument against the reinstatement of the legitimate Citizenship question, part of the census from 1790-1950, are idiotic crap, my notion of my correctness seems reasonable.

And, no, there is no reason to believe that it will diminish turnout. DEMOCRATS SAY that it will diminish turnout. That doesn’t mean it actually will do that, it just means that it is Demopablum which is part of the Demoborg forced stupidity. It’s more than likely that DEMOCRATS STATEMENTS ABOUT DIMINISHING TURNOUT will diminish turnout. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Do you have an argument, or just a statement that I am an idiot?

You seem like an intelligent person. Why are you in the Demo-borg, anyhow? Do you have a single non-required belief, or have you been entirely assimilated?

It’s not “Democrats say”, it’s “expert scientists at the Census Bureau who have done studies and tests say”. That completely undercuts your argument, and the information is more accurately gathered in a different way (as the scientists said again).

I’m sure none of this matters to you though, you’re fine with the racism as long as Republicans stay in power.

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Don’t think I said you’re an idiot, but I can if it will make you happy. But thanks for the varied attacks on my beliefs.

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Look. It was the Republican expert who said let’s do this because it helps Republicans and other white people and proposed offering a phony justification for it.

Yeah? So what? I’m a statistician too. I am a member of the ASA. I participated in several discussions. There is no unanimity in the Statistics profession on this issue.

Predictions are simply educated guesses. There is NO experience on this issue - not a single actual case.

Plus the Dems have, from Day 1, politicized this issue by saying that specific groups (illegals, Dems) would not participate. This is really blackmail. Dems should be fully on the side of the Citizenship question, because it is in the National interest to know how many illegals are in the country.

Here’s a report about the “research” on this question:

To understand this, you need to read WHO the authors are. The first author is the principal at “Latino Decisions”, which is like most of these cases a biased pro-illegal organization. When you do “research” like this, you ask questions, and then interpret them. The interpretation is where the bias is put in. They indicate that the “undercount” would be 2-4%. But that is based on a survey, NOT ACTUAL BEHAVIOR. It’s the difference between “Do you prefer HRC or DJT for POTUS” and actual voting. Surveys predicted HRC. We have President Trump.

The Dems and other said this based on the non-partisan experts who agreed that it would cause the count to be bad. The Republican expert also said that, but with the intent of increasing Republican power…really, no one is arguing that the question will not decrease Census accuracy and benefit Republicans. Well, they weren’t…now, after it has become a political issue, we hear people like you (i.e. Republican/Trump supporters) clamoring that all those experts were wrong. For some reason, I find that stance unsupportable, as it flies in the face of everything we know about how that question will play, and the argument Republicans made behind closed doors for adding the question.

But hey, if it makes you feel better to live in a fantasy world where forcing the question through to make Republicans hold power beyond what they should in a fair system, good for you…just don’t expect anyone to trust your opinion as one that is interested in upholding our democratic system of fair elections.