Keep up the pressure, Ms. Abrams. The truth will out…
Abrams Files New Lawsuit To Demand Absentee And Provisional Ballots Counted
My only criticism is that it took so long to do this.
You go, Stacey. You are such a fighter. I love you so much for this.
Only in America must you sue for your right to vote and then sue to have your vote counted.
This tweet and story below exemplifies why we need Nancy running the show. I want an experienced hand at the wheel as we try to right the ship. In the Navy when we went to battle stations we put the most experienced folks in the most critical watch stations. We didn’t put a rookie on the rudder or planes when we needed reliable maneuvering responses. Just sayin’.
Dems must focus on policy and restoring the rule of law - impeachment is number 1375 on the list of first 1000 items to focus on.
It’s too bad that the people of Georgia didn’t vote for Abrams overwhelmingly. I find Ms. Abrams to be very smart and well-spoken. She’s soooooo much smarter than trump, the whiny baby.
Well said.
When did we lose the ability to count all of the votes and then declare a winner, something every 5th grade class is capable of doing? You want to talk about “monkeying up” elections, I guess this is what the racist meant by that.
They need to do a BUNCH of hearings on gerrymandering and voter suppression.
No shit, right? It’s crazy.
Like Josh said, though, the right to vote has never been won. A startling point that you soon realize is true. However, there is hope as we do seem to be making some progress.
More progress will be made now that there’s a Democratic Congress coming back into power. But it’ll take awhile. Just wait til after the 2020 elections and we get a Democratic majority there, too.
Why is this even in question? All votes should be counted! So annoying
Absentee ballots are usually called The Military Vote by the GOP when they want them counted. As in late ballots cast in 2000 in Florida. There is actually no such thing as The Military Vote as those guys ( I know because I did it several times myself ) vote absentee. There’s so special bucket of mail labeled Military. Their vote come in with the rest of the absentee votes. So if you want them counted they become the Military Vote. If you don’t they become the absentee vote.