Discussion: Abortion ‘Safety’ Requirements Have Nothing To Do With Women’s Health

Discussion for article #228411

It’s all part of the American Taliban’s efforts to transport our culture back to their mythical idea of the 1950s.


Republican’s will be the first to tell you that they’re not doctors (scientists), but that does not deter them from passing bills requiring bad medicine (science).

I’m not a doctor, but my religion tells me that abortion is bad. So, we’re going to pass these laws to protect women from themselves.

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This would be called “advancing a political agenda by any means necessary.”

how about legislating that all vasectomies be performed in a ‘safe’ operating room after a 72 hour waiting period.

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Again , War on Women .

The question must be asked - How safe are back-alley abortions? That is where women are being driven to by current abortion-restricting laws in many states.

Why are republicans so afraid of lady parts?

Abortion ‘Safety’ Requirements Have Nothing To Do With Women’s Health

Ya think?

We are not responsible for women and children’s heath issues. We are responsible for generating as much cash as we can for ourselves. When the the choice advocates are ready to exceed the Koch cash we will be ready to change our votes.

I guess it’s no wonder that Republicans are so opposed to regulation when it is done by Democrats, because Republicans use regulation as a way of punishing people and businesses and practices they don’t approve of. So naturally, they think when Democrats propose legislation to protect the environment, or to protect consumers, for example, they project their own thinking onto Democrats and think that it’s all about punishing businesses for being successful when it’s actually just to be sure that other people don’t pay the price of that success.

Excellent OpEd – I couldn’t agree more.

Except that it still becomes the woman’s problem – because men don’t get pregnant.

They’re not afraid of them. They just want to control women completely.