Discussion for article #233312
Oh dear. Heads be asploding all over wingnutistant right now.
FaLSE equivalaNENCY! FalsE equIVAlency! JiM crOW waS more THAN 50 YEars AGO. ISIL is TODAY! THe KKK never KILLEd PEOPLE! AND theY were all DEmocRATS anyWAY. LINCOLn WAS a rePUBLiCAN AND not A RACISt. stop liBTARDS lieS ABOUT THE EXtreme PAST THAT neveR HAppened!1!11!!!ONE!!1!!!
Oh dear. Somebody said something solid, rational, valid and correct.
So what else could Mika possibly do but change the subject?
Thank you. Excellent comparison. Is a leopard a leopard because he claims to have spots–or is a leopard a leopard because he HAS spots?
“Religion is the last refuge of human savagery.” - Alfred North Whitehead
“Co-host Mika Brzezinski changed the subject”
MSNBC hasn’t mentioned John Boehner’s stunning admission that he intentionally kept the President in the dark regarding Netanyahu’s invitation.
Liberals are NAZIs because Hitler called himself a socialist. (Remember EG?)
give a brother a little fame and notoriety and they get all uppity on you.
She had to change the subject: his comments about the Inquisition were so completely unexpected.
Lori Klausutis
Cap. knows what he’s talking about… so Mika naturally wants to change the subject. Typical Morning Blow.
Excellent analogy, especially since they both like to be “masked” when doing evil deeds.
Co-host Mika Brzezinski changed the subject to Abdul-Jabbar’s new book.
Of course she did! I absolutely detest this weak, useless, bubble-headed fool who sits there day after day getting run the hell over by the intellectual equivalent of a big wheel. And what I hate even more is that no one in the media ever says anything about it. HuffPo treats her like some kind of feminist icon. She’s not, she’s the exact opposite.
I’d call that a SLAM DUNK!
Kareem has always had a lot of class–and I’m a Celtics fan.
Well said, Kareem.
I guess Morning Jerk didn’t want to challenge a man of Kareem’s status on his own religion. You know he was dying to throw out some misinformation and the fact that he held back around Jabbar says a lot for Kareem as a man and a commentator. Morning douche got shut down.
Mika just kept up her doormat status, nothing new there.
"You know he was dying to throw out some misinformation "
I’ve noticed that Joe mostly picks fights with people he knows won’t challenge him too forcefully. He would never take on Ed Schultz or OH State Sen. Nina Turner.