Discussion: ABC News: FBI ’Secret Society’ Texts Appear To Have Been Made In Jest

Johnson has emerged as a Trump flunky who does the distract and deflect thing for his boss.


Is Johnson related to Louis Gohmert?

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True— except we could finally see just how tiiny it is.

The “secret society” hat Inspector RoJo and his Flying Circus in the House stumbled upon was actually a meeting ot the Cleveland Browns fan club. RoJo was quick to mistake it for a subversive group due to his anxiety to make amends for his 2010 testimony against a Wisconsin bill to protect victims of pedophiles. (The bill failehttp://archive.jsonline.com/watchdog/noquarter/95740094.html/d.)

We should all understand that everything the Republican Party has done since the election to reverse the progress made during the 20th Century toward justice and equality was all done in jest. They really didn’t mean any of it. Forget the whole thing. Let it be.

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Now now. Don’t go casting aspersions on anybodies asparagus.

On the other hand, if they were related, which one of them would be referred to as “A might tetched” at family reunions?

Answer: Both

I thought the 50000 texts were from multiple people to and from the two, that 50000 was a number of people because TWO people sharing 50000 texts over 6mos, well, THAT’S a lot of texts.

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“Ron Johnson is the stupidest man in the Senate”
“Ron Johnson makes Louis Gohmert look like Stephen Hawking”
“Ron Johnson brings the entire average IQ of the state of Wisconsin down 20 points just by living there”
“Ron Johnson has to use an iPhone app just to find his own ass”
A few examples of texts NOT made in jest.

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It’s somehow very titillating that they were having an affair.

"Minnesota - Bachman
Wisconsin - Ron Johnson"

Spay and neuter them before they have a chance to breed!

There is no ‘appears’ to it. Anyone with half a brain could see that if they actually READ THE TEXTS instead of the talking points. You almost have to feel sorry for the dumbest man in the Senate that his colleagues would look around and say ‘who is STUPID enough to run to the microphones’?

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Wow…a couple of insiderers sharing some levity over the course of their regular interchanges…who ever heard of such crazy hijinks…?The full court press against our intelligence agencies by real, bonafide traitors in our government continues apace .If these dim witted contortionists happen to prevail in scotching this serious investegation into manipulation and malfeasance, we will have gone a long way toward becoming the facist state these criminals are seeking.


Ron Johnson makes me think there’s a secret society of really corrupt and really dumb people…and they’re inside our (White) house!


We all know that Republicans don’t get humor, especially satire.


Probably the little voice inside his head.


Apparently, the secret society is so secret it hasn’t even met once, and no one has come up with a cool secret society name. It’s still just “secret society.” I mean, that’s no way to run a secret society.


“no big there there”: What is the origin and meaning of this “there there” poppycock? It sounds dumb when spoken and looks even dumber in print. I’m hearing it from NPR correspondents and now from federal investigators. The Trump era has everyone talking like idiots.

Elect? These people are installed by oligarchs through citizens united, gerrymandering and voter supression.They are expected to behave in a manner that ensures a return on investment.


And the movie “Idiocracy” closely mimics real life…