We live in a time when The Onion looks more and more like real news.
Well, at least he’s talking. If he weren’t, he’d be drooling.
I’m not laughing.
The only person that matters is Mueller and he knows what a crock this is. If he’s not convinced by the GOP’ers efforts and a very slim chance of that exists it doen’t matter what “the base” thinks. 50,000 text messages in 2016 would be roughly 136 messages per day for all 365 days of that year. Over 200 a day if you take the weekends off. That’s not credible.
More like a 51-way tie
The thing is, this isn’t just idiots being idiots. Pumping decontextualized craziness into the media bloodstream in order to muddle and confuse everyone so they don’t know up from down is a well-known Russian tactic that Putin is using in most of the Western world. The GOP is consistently doing that now. Strikes me as a remarkable non-coincidence.
Or all of the above.
Or in this case, both.
Why do we elect these people?
I have not read the Strzok Page texts. But, on a recent NPR show while I was doing a morning drive, I believe former US Congressperson and Brooklyn District Attorney Liz Holtzman participated in a panel discussion about the Russia Investigations where the texts were discussed. She had read them and said that the texts also attacked and criticized HRC pretty frequently. So this is one thing being lost in the Media’s allowing FOX and the Trump enablers to set the terms of discussion and debate on this. The other issue is, these two people, and their intimate relationship is being dragged through public scrutiny and exploitation in a desperate attempt to advance the fiction that Trump and his entire treasonous Russia puppet bunch are victims. Think about that.
Because the people who voted for them are stupid
If your father talked liked this you would take his car keys from him!
Ron Johnson, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan.
It ain’t the water.
It’s the Kochs.
I want them to release the text messages between Stormy Daniels and the Dotard.
Just no images, please…
It’s a stain on the state of Wisconsin that this numbskull was twice elected over Russ Feingold.
Oh, man! And I’ve been trying to start rumors for years but my, “Hey! There’s a bear and a shark fighting down on Main Street!” just didn’t stand a chance against these guys.
She had read them and said that the texts also attacked and criticized HRC pretty frequently. So this is one thing being lost in the Media’s allowing FOX and the Trump enablers to set the terms of discussion and debate on this.
There isn’t a single damn thing that would prevent anybody in the Democratic Party from making the same point in a loud, pointed, focused, and consistent fashion. For whatever reason, nobody does.
Sigh. Wisconsin could have had a real Senator, Russ Feingold, instead of this fluke.