Discussion: A Saboteur's Handbook: How Trump Could Still Wreck Obamacare

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MAGA, Not.


I will be surprised if Dear Leaker remembers to cut the CSR payments. Everything else sounds like too much work :stuck_out_tongue:


We are approaching the point where he becomes a titular president only, issuing tweets that no one pays any attention to,


The President’s Twitter feed reads like a transcript of drunks at happy hour, recounting the day’s events and what they heard on talk radio before the bar opened. He sabotages the whole country just by being there, being himself.


More recently, the HHS redirected funding, that was supposed to be used on an ad campaign to encourage enrollment, to create an anti-Obamacare PR campaign.

I’d like to see prominent voices, Dems or otherwise, framing these shenanigans as an anti-healthcare campaign.


It’s war between the civil service determined to do their jobs vs. the trumpie appointies determined to stop them. I am deeply disappointed in the HHS civil servants’ failure to block the anti-Obamacare ads. I hope they were just caught off guard and have now re-grouped and are ready to fight.


And wouldn’t this be a fine howdy-doo if instead of changing our system to a central authoritarian dictator-like style he inadvertently spins us into tribal fiefdoms, to become Afghanistan or Pakistan?

The more optimistic scenario is that Trump’s reign of idiocy will result in Congress re-asserting their proper role under Article I. Meaning that they actually appropriate funds for the purposes they deem necessary and that they actually declare war before they send young men and women to die. Yes, I am aware that the idiots control Congress also, but that won’t always be the case. Perhaps if Congress were a serious body, people would think a bit more before electing them.

Regardless, the fact of Trump being in the White House points out the danger of giving too much power to the Executive, no matter how sane and sensible they are at the time you do so.


Corporate Welfare is the distribution of public funds to corporations that they send to offshore bank accounts or buy gold plated toilet seats for their yacht with. Public funds distributed to a corporation to cover that corporation’s costs in providing their products or services to members of the public is not corporate welfare. I hope the MSM will straighten out that point. the ACA will not implode without the GOP applying the implosive force. If it is forced to bust by Trumps sabotage I’d hope the MSM would shine a light on that.


Why do we need to spend money to encourage enrollment? Are you saying that there are people, who desire to purchase health insurance in the individual market, don’t know how to do that? Or is the more likely scenario is there are millions of people who are making a decision to pay the penalty instead of buying something they feel they don’t need or want?

The fact is the individual market is collapsing because you cannot get the additional 12-14 million, primarily young and healthy, to enroll. It isn’t because they don’t know how, but that they are making the choice not to.

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Of course it is, because these funds can only be used to offset the cost of silver plans under the exchanges and not bronze/gold/plantinum.

Obamacare is already wrecked. Unless someone can explain how you get the additional 12-14 million, primarily young and healthy, the CBO and Obamacare supporters claimed would purchase insurance in the individual market instead of just paying the penalty.

If you can’t get 22-24 million to enroll in the exchanges, then you will never stabilize the individual market.

Wreck it? Of course he will.


You are probably correct, I just want to see howwe go down the road to a f*cked up US before we reach the “Postman,” starring Kevin Costner, status-where even a regional Xerox salesman can become a warlord.

You have put your finger on the reason why we have the Congress we do. The voters don’t think or do due dilligence in researching the candidates before voting. And a huge precent don’t even bother to vote. Nearly half eligble voters didn’t bother last November. And with the midterms even fewer care. That is why we have the president and Congress we do.


The individual market wasn’t really stable before the ACA. premiums were outrageous and coverage was spotty even for those with policies. Insurance only works when more or less everyone is in. fire insurance for only those living in fire traps and car insurance only for those with multiple DWIs can’t work and neither can health insurance for only the sick.

Those healthy young people should be automatically enrolled in Medicare with premiums based on income. That would immediately solve the solvency problem of Medicare and the problems of those without insurance. Fold the VA into that system also-cover vets without other group insurance under Medicare rather than segregating them off into a separate system. A vet with lung cancer is medically no different than a non-vet. Both need and deserve the best of care.


Its already wrecked or the democrats wouldn’t have been running around claiming to mend it and not end it. The problem is there is no way to mend it. It is failed system that only benefits those who are either have pre-existing conditions, those who have a catastrophic medical need that occurs or those who utilize a considerable amount of health care services. However, for those who don’t, they are opting out of the system. Why should someone pay 3000-5000 dollars a year for premiums for the insurance company to pick up a few hundred dollars a year in their health care cost?

Wouldn’t it be easier to remove the fica salary tax cap yo fund it and then offer Medicare to everyone?

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I don’t disagree with you. The reason why TRICARE works so well has to do with the population are primarily young and healthy and for the fact that the vast majority of the over a million service members, under TRICARE, utilize Military Treatment Facilities which are a not-for-profit health care provider.

I don’t oppose moving towards a national single-payer system and if that is Medicare for all, then so be it. It makes sense to bring young healthy people into a system to offset the cost of the older-sicker people currently in the system.

However, that is not the individual market. The individual marker will never work because there isn’t a strong enough penalty to force the young-health to buy into the system. Unless that can be fixed, the exchanges are going to collapse no matter what Trump does. Of course he can take actions to speed that up, which is what I believe he is doing. But the individual market is going to collapse, all you can do now is just delay.