Discussion for article #241728
Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.
Can anyone imagine Chafee Trump as president? No effin’ way.
Gravity has not been kind to the Donald. Ugly person, ugly instincts, ugly policies.
Who cares about what Trump tweets about the Dem debate? Why is this article on TPM?
That’s the best that Trump can do in commenting on the Dem debate? Holy moley. Maybe he was firing people while he was watching.
Trump cannot tolerate anyone but himself getting any attention. Every Dem is much smarter and more professional than any repuke presidential candidate.
TPM is quickly becoming known as Trump Promotional Mission.
You’d get a more cogent take on the Democratic debate from my dog.
Stop it already. Stop sucking this man’s cock. You are chasing genuine progressives away.
More of TPM’s tacit shilling for the GOP. Look at all the articles they regurgitate from the GOP regarding Clinton’s emails. And how their reporters refer to it as a “scandal”.
Thank you. Best comment of the year. Truly. Sadly, no one at TPM seems to care how bad they have become.
This is fucking pathetic, TPM.
Nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS? I count six mentions so far.
What happened? I fell asleep after Trump’s first tweet. Like 140 characters of Seconal.
Hey, they did he dirty work for me. I’m cool with it.
Trump’s comment reveals everything one needs to know about this pathetic loser’s mindset.
Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight!
If the American people wanted a “STAR” in the White House, then Robert Downey Jr. would be President and Leo DiCaprio would be his Vice President. Sadly, Trump doesn’t rate on any scale as a star, not as a personality, not as a politician, not even as a circus oddity.
I am surprised you gave Trump a platform here. I have no interest in his tweets, He is a TWIT.
publicity stunt. Its the same as someone watching a car crash involving a Mercedes and a Fiat and promptly writing about it.
Donald J Trump is the current GOP front runner during campaign '16. Now this isn’t an original idea, but it gets stroke because he figures he can do it better than Sanders.
I have a confession to make: I didn’t read a single one of Trump’s tweets; I went straight to this Comments section.
My question is:
Why does anyone with half a brain give a flying fuck about what Trump thinks?
Donnie, Horning in where you have NOT been invited is rude, but then rude is what you do as a profession isn’t it? This time you are on the outside and nobody is listening to you.
In a debate between Sanders and Trump I think I can pick the winner and it ain’t that used car salesman from NYC.
“Can anyone imagine Trump as president?”
I am still grappling with the notion that he may be human.