And all of this time I thought that LaPierre got his suits off the rack:
Nice threads for a cold, dead hand.
I wish I could find the humor in treason against our country……………………and money laundering, accessory to election fraud, etc.
No can do.
Nice photo though/
“Ty prekrasno vyglyadish’!” LaPierre’s fashion consultant, Sasha, told him.
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” Eric Hoffer
I think the NRA began with a relatively benign purpose. It went the way of all movements.
Indeed, I can recall reading occasional issues of The American Rifleman as a kid. It was about safety and hunting (not particularly trophy hunting) and outdoor living. If you accept eating meat–which necessitates the killing of animals–it was a pretty benign view of the world.
Do we really care how, or where, LaPierre gets his suits? Shouldn’t we be more curious about his psychiatrist?
“NRA Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre billed Ackerman McQueen $200,000 for suits…”
How much is that in rubles?
Hey, he didn’t wear ostrich so it’s all ok.
13,082,820.00RUB, actually.
Grifters that deal with killing gotta look good too.
Not that it would matter to me what the guy wore, but if he’s spending his own money, then no harm, no foul. If he’s billing someone else for the privilege, then no, not so much.
Just more of the dishonesty from this organization.
Blue jeans and boots, indeed.
Ask Butina. I’ll bet she saw the receipts.
Judging from the picture I guess he was going for the atrophied look.
Leave LaPierre alone! Every dollar spent on suits is a dollar not doing harm. It’s frightening to think how much more successful Republicans could be if they didn’t have grifters at every level siphoning off money for themselves.
But if conservatives didn’t have grifters promoting fear to line their own pockets, people might not be conservative at all. That’s why we can’t have nice things anymore, because rightwing grifters have been pulling a long con against their supporters for decades and even the “liberal” media thinks it’s legit.
He’d look really good in this suit!